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The court of Hastinapur was bustling, with discussions related to state-interest and alliance policies, suddenly Yudhishthir got up an put forward a bold suggestion.

"Maharaj, I suggest that we need to rethink our state-interest and form an alliance with Chandrapur." Yudhishthir said.

Everyone gasped and the entire court broke down into mumblings and whispers.

"Yudhishthir, do you even know what you are saying ?" Dhritrashtra asked.

"Yes Tatshree. Chandrapuri is a Kingdom rich in diamond mines, horses and elephants. If we form an alliance, then not only it will lead to the end of destruction and bloodshed taking place, but also benefit from its resources." Yudhishthir said.

"I agree with Yuvraj here. Maharaj, if we think about it then ending the enmity will lead to prosperity of both the kingdoms." Vidur said.

"But how will we do this ? Especially after the kingdom lost it's earlier king.... I don't think Chandrapur-naresh Agnimitra will form an alliance. Even if he does then any sort of alliance is bound to be broken due to our differences." Bhism said.

"The alliance won't break if it's bound by the seven vows." Kripacharya said.

"What do you mean Kul-guru ?" Dhritrashtra asked.

"That if a marriage alliance if formed between Hastinapur and Chandrapuri then it won't be broken. All the enmity of centuries will burn on the sacred fire of marriage ceremony." Kripacharya said.

"Kul-guru is right. Maharaj, I think we should keep the proposal of Dusshala's marriage to Chandrapur-naresh Agnimitra." Yudhishthir said.

"Dusshala's marriage ?! With Chandrapur-naresh !?" Duryodhan stood up from his seat.

"What happened Duryodhan ? Don't you agree to this ?" Yudhishthir asked.

"Yuvraj, you cannot just marry Dusshala off to the enemy." Duryodhan said.

"If we are marrying Dusshala to him then he will no longer be the enemy by the jamai of Kuruvansh." Yudhishthir said.

"I suggest you should stay quiet in this matter Duryodhan. After what you have done in Chandrapuri by gifting a nose ring in the form of humiliation." Vidur said.

"I agree with Mahamantri, Duryodhan didn't Guru Dronacharya taught you not to insult the enemy who has lost ?" Bhism said. Duryodhan looked down.

"What has happened has happened. Now let us talk to Dusshala regarding this." Dhritrashtra said to change the subject.

"I have already talked to her Maharaj." Yudhishthir said.

"You have ? So what did she say ?" Dhritrashtra asked.

"Dusshala said that if her marrying Chandrapur-naresh ends the bloodshed then she accepts it." Yudhishthir said.

"If Dusshala agrees then who are we to oppose ? Maharaj, I think now you should write a letter to Maharaj Agnimitra, and invite him here so the centuries of bloodshed will come to an end." Bhism said.



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