He twirled me around and I felt the parts of my dress flutter around us. I did love this dress. It was silky and hugged me just right. I felt beautiful for the first time in a long ti-

"Ow!" I winced. "Did you just step on my foot?"

"I would never," he gasped. He lightly tapped on my foot again. Only this time it was intentional and a lot lighter than before.

"Okay that was on purpose," I couldn't help but laugh. "You keep stepping on me," I groaned as he did it again. I couldn't tell if it was on purpose or accident.

"Am not," he scoffed as I stepped on his foot. "Honestly Kennedy why would you ever accuse me of such malice?"

"Oh so stepping on someone's feet are a crime now?" I raised a brow.

"You words not mine. But I would prefer you not to say such slandering things about me," his eyes twinkled with mischief. "It'd tarnish my reputation."

"Oh my apologies I must have gotten you mixed up with someone else," I nodded hiding a giggle.

"Damn right you did." He paused, looking around at the changing of lights. It was our signal. "It's time. You ready?"

"Of course," I grinned wider looking for everyone.

The flash mob. We had been practicing all week when anyone was free. Last night it was a miracle we had all gotten away to practice. And then this morning we all snuck off.

I dragged Riley and Liam to two chairs in front of the dance floor. They looked at me in confusion and tried to protest but I forced them to sit.

"We have another speech or something?" Liam asked.

"Something like that," I smiled. "Of sorts."

"What are you talking about Ken," Riley eyed me.

"I promised to not say anything. So as your best friend and sister and maid of honor you both are bound to those chairs until told otherwise." I instructed. I even wagged my finger at them to prove my point.

"Or what," Liam asked.

"I'll kick your ass and put Nair in your shampoo."

"How do I know you didn't do that already?" He stated.

I winked at him as I slowly started backing away while the music quieted down. I looked at the bridal party and smiled. Cal met my eyes and gave me another wink as the new song slowly began.

The way the two of their faces changed the instant the notes hit the air was priceless. They had the same "oh" plastered on their lips, and I swore their eyebrows were so high it touched their foreheads. I was grinning so hard my cheeks hurt. They'd probably be sore the next day at this rate.

Thankfully it wasn't a hard dance to learn. We only had to teach a few of the bridesmaids and a couple groomsmen. I was surprised the rest of us still remembered it. I mean we did have a video of it to reference in case we were so lost.

It was Ty's talent portion of our Mr. Perfect competition in high school. Basically a fundraiser in the form of a male beauty pageant. Riley and I helped him and the boys choreograph a dance to Everybody by the Backstreet Boys.

He won of course, but I didn't bet it was because of the dance. Although that moment in senior year history was iconic. Almost as monumental as Mason's lip sync performance of I Will Always Love You while the boys interpretive danced behind him. He won Junior year. The competition wasn't rigged because the whole school voted.

The people love our boys. Almost as much as we did.

After a series of skips and twirls and partner changes we pulled Liam and Riley to join our dance. It was a miracle that we hadn't messed up yet, especially with Cal's two left feet.

"I can't believe you guys did this," she laughed wiggling her hips along with us.

"I can't believe we still remember this," I shimmied across changing places from her. "Is it not a great wedding surprise?"

"Oh it's the best," she laughed some more. "You guys did good."

I was glad to see her smiling so much. I even caught Liam getting so into the dance. He was such a dork.

"Ready for the big finish?" Cal called as he side stepped out way. I nodded.

This was the part where all the boys were supposed to lift Ty dirty dancing style, only this time they lifted Liam. All of the girls got on one knee and egged them on. Riley caught on and followed.

The whole thing was outrageous. I'm not sure anyone in the audience really understood what was happening. I'm sure some were possibly offended. But it didn't matter because it wasn't for them. It was for two of the most important people in my life.

And they had smiles bigger than anyone here. Because they were just as crazy and wild as the rest of us. This dance was for all of us, one last time. And it was perfect.

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