"Hello?" Astrid answers.

"Astrid, it's me. Emma." Astrid's old friend, Emma Swan said and it all goes very quiet.

"Emma, what's wrong?" Astrid asks.

"Remember when I told you that I had a son and he told me about a curse and how I'm the savior?" Emma asks.

"Of course. What's happened?" Astrid asks.

"Well turns out the curse was real. I saved everyone. A few things have happened. And just recently my son was taken. I need your help." Emma said and Astrid looks at her family.

"I'll help. Where do meet you?" Astrid asks.

"You have the teleporting power so just teleport outside of a place called Storybrooke which is located in Maine." Emma said since Astrid told her about she was.

"Okay, let me speak to my family and I'll tell you afterwards." Astrid said before putting her on mute.

Astrid looks at her family.

"If she's asking you for help then you should, love." Mikael said standing next to his wife.

"If you do agree to this. Then we're coming with you. Whether you like it or not." Finn said and the others nod.

"Okay. Emma we're in." Astrid said and unmuted herself.

"Thank you, Astrid." Emma said.

"You're welcome." Astrid before she ends the call.

"Pack your bags." Astrid said and everyone runs to their rooms.

Astrid snaps her fingers and her stuff appear next to her. Soon the rest of her family come back downstairs with their stuff. They all grab hands and Astrid teleports them to Storybrooke. Astrid sends a text to Emma telling they are at the sign. They wait for a few minutes before a truck appears. Out steps Emma and two others.

"Thank god you came. Introductions will be said later. Right now follow us. Astrid and others who don't run fast in the truck. Ones that run fast follow us." Emma said and Astrid kisses her husband's cheek before Lydia, Malia, Alison, Stiles, Sam and dean hop in the back of the truck.

They soon get into town and meet up at the library. Astrid steps out to be greeted by her husband. He picks a leaf out of her hair and pecks her lips. Emma and her friends watch. That's when the rest of her kids appear.

"Are we all here?" Astrid asks her family looking around.

"Great we're all here." Astrid said and followed after Emma and her friends.

"Okay introductions. As you may know I'm Emma. These two are my parents, Mary Margaret/Snow White and David Nolan/Prince Charming. That's Killian Jones/Captain Hook. Mr. Gold/Rumplestiltskin. Regina/Evil Queen. Ruby/Red Riding Hood. Archie/Jiminy Cricket. Leroy/Grumpy and his brothers." Emma said.

"Oh my god my childhood stories are coming true." Stiles, Sam, Dean and Kol say together.

They get hit in the back of the head by their sisters. The boys glare at them before being stopped by their mother.

"Boys don't glare at your sisters." Astrid said not turning around to face them.

The others just chuckle.

"Well our turn. My name is Astrid Winchester Mikaelson. This is my husband, Mikael Mikaelson. Our biological children, Finn, Elijah, Klaus, Kol, Rebekah and Henrik. Then my adopted kids, Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall, Malia Tate, Lydia Martin, Isaac Lahey, Alison Argent, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester and Castiel." Astrid said and smiles at everyone.

"Nice to meet you." Snow said with a big smile.

"Okay off to business. You told me that your son-" Astrid starts before being cut off.

"Henry." Regina said.

"Henry, was taken. So I need a map, lit candles and a bit of his blood or someone who is related to him." Astrid said as Klaus hands her a map, Regina summon candles and Emma gave a little bit of her blood since they don't have any of Henry's.

"I need everyone quiet." Astrid said as Finn and Rebekah put everything in place.

Astrid sets the map in front of her and she closes her eyes and starts chanting.

"Phasmatos Tribum, Nas Ex Veras, Sequitas Sanguinem. Phasmatos Tribune, Nas Ex Vera's, Sequitas Sanguinem." Astrid repeats it a few more times and the blood moves a bit before the map explodes up into flames.

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