Chapter Twenty-four: Kushina

Start from the beginning

Price: Are you fit for the mission, your going to need your sights to be full 100% as you will be flying for a lot of time.

He told me and I nodded.

Naruto: I'm okay, really, this is just how it happens, some days I can see without and some I can see with glasses on, it doesn't mess with my ability to see or operate.

I told them and they all looked at me for a bit but nodded as they skipped the screen to show a map.

Sheila: Yesterday when you left, we found another one of Hades bases, it was slightly bigger than the ones we usually attack.

Price: So we are not risking sending in ourselves in, only to die before catching the bastard.

Soap: With you and the A-10, you can hit the base for us, a recovery team, consisting of Demon squad, would be on the ground, waiting for your go ahead to enter after you bombed the place.

Naruto: Kind of munitions am I working with?

I asked them, the screen skipped again to show two bombs.

Price: You will be equipped with six JDAMS 2,000 pound bombs, along with six mark 83 1,000 pound bombs, with your usual rocket pots underneath.

(A/N: Let me get this out of the way first, none of this that I say in this line is accurate, well the JDAMS number is correct but the other one isn'tthat much, just telling so you don't hold it against me. Back to the story).

I whistled at that.

Naruto: That much fire power, I doubt my hog could handle that much.

He said with a smile, he already knew it can since he modified it to hold a lot more and modified some other stuff on it as well.

Sheila: You can handle it, just get there, bomb the place and send Santos in and get out.

Price: she and the team of already been brief and are there, awaiting your response.

Naruto: Roger that.

I said and got up as I nodded at them and walked out and too the air field, seeing the plane out, I got my helmet and did a walk around, making sure nothing is wrong or none of the bombs are loose.

Once it was okay, I got in and put the helmet on, as I turned on the engines for the plane, flipped a switch, bring the hatch down and went along my check list to see if I was ready.

Naruto(over radio): Demon one to Havoc base, all systems checked, am I clear for take off?

I asked over my helmet radio.

Sheila(over radio): Havoc base to Demon one, you are cleared for take off when, You are ready.

She said and I increased my throttle forward, bringing me up to take off speed as I pulled up my control stick, pulling the nose of the plane up and a few seconds later the rest of the body followed after.

Getting a good distance in the air, I flipped a switch, bringing in my landing gears, I turned the plane around and gain altitude as I went to the target area.


I was on my way to Mikoto's house, since talking with my best friend always cheers me up, I had already taken the girls to the academy for school and had finished all my house work.

Getting to the door, I knocked on it and there was my best friend, in her usual black dress with a apron on around it, she smiled upon seeing me.

Mikoto: Kushina, what brings you by?

Naruto: soldier of 141Where stories live. Discover now