Jealousy Kills

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One Month Later

Second Person POV

"Snotlout! Twelve O'Clock!" Dracul calls out and Snotlout swings his hammer while pivoting, his hammer slams into the face of a Trapper as Snotlout and Astrid stand back to back.

To the left Dracul was running towards him, in his new Scuttleclaw styled armour, Dracul runs past while jumping over the back of a staggering Trapper. Snotlout then turns as he hears footsteps to his right, hitting another Trapper on top of his head.

The hammer's force causes the helmet to cave in, making Snotlout wince, while the Trapper slumps.

"Snotlout, where's Hookfang? We could use some help!" Astrid tells the man and Snotlout simply grunts.

"How should I know? He's probably flown off without me!" Snotlout replies, but before he could complain more Hookfang lands to the left of the two.
In the dark of the night, Hookfang lights himself aflame as a group of Trappers approach the two, the sight causes the Trappers to slow as gel drips off the Nightmare while lit aflame.

Making Hookfang look like he's from hell.

After a few seconds, Hookfang rears his head back before firing at the Trappers as Eret jumps down from a cage, slamming a stray Hunter in against a cage as they almost hit Astrid.

Noticing, Astrid turns to him with a smile.

"Thanks," she tells him, the sight of Eret causes Snotlout to look down with a jealous look before looking up.

The three turn to Hookfang as he finishes the Trappers off, the Nightmare then turns to the three before huffing in annoyance towards his rider.

Hearing what he was complaining about.

After a moment a Stormcutter flies past above them with a Terror flying beside it. A masked, armoured Viking was standing on the dragon's back.

"We got them all! Clear out!" Your voice calls out as Skullcrusher and Stormfly pick up their riders while Snotlout hops onto Hookfang.

All the rider's silhouette then appears flying overhead with dragons following them, the song of the Night Fury cutting through the air. Once the silhouette's disappeared a Zippleback and Razorwhip fly down, destroying the Trapper ships.

"Yeah!" The voice of Tuff echoes as all the Riders fly away from the Trapper barrage.


As the sun rises Berk comes to life as the riders all fly to the academy, taking all the dragons to islands so they don't crowd Berk.
But that was becoming harder with the Trappers starting to surround Berk at every point, it was starting to get to the point they couldn't get to their allies sometimes.

As you all land in the academy you notice the exhausted look on Snotlout's face, it was more tired than normal. After the review from Hiccup, the riders all went to their huts to get some rest, except Snotlout.

He stayed behind, seemingly not wanting to go to his hut for some reason.

As you get to Nyra you pause before looking over at the stocky man, who was also oddly quiet, before deciding to leave him be for a bit. You get on Nyra and she takes off as you think about Snotlout's odd behaviour.

'He's probably just tired from the raid.'


During the day once everyone was refreshed for the day you had noticed that Snotlout was in the academy all day, seemingly training himself to the point of exhaustion.
By late afternoon, you all had a small training session to make sure you don't lack as the Trapper threat rises quickly.

As you all are in front of Astrid, everyone in the saddles, everyone had noticed that Snotlout was exhausted. It was getting to the point where even Hookfang was starting to show worry. 

"Uh Snotlout, do you wanna take a break? You've been training all day." Astrid asks and everyone turns to Snotlout, who simply grunts while frowning.

"No I don't, so let's just get this done so we can go home." Snotlout shoots back, Astrid sighs before explaining what we're doing today.


The sun had gone down by the time you had finished training, everyone else had gone home the moment you finished. But Snotlout stayed behind with an uncertain expression, seemingly thinking about talking to you.

You look up at Nyra as Mischief had flown off to go get sleep, the Terror would be an actual Terror if he's tired. Understanding, Nyra shakes her head slightly before going to lay down.
Giving her a gentle scratch of the scales for a second, you walk over to Snotlout, and the man's face lights up.

"Wanna talk about something?" You ask with the slight tilt of your head.

"No! M... Maybe. I don't know!" Snotlout shouts, making Hookfang growl, he was next to the man.

"Snotlout, tell me what's wrong." You tell him sternly, moving so you're in front of him.

The man sighs before having a silent argument with himself for a few seconds, the look of defeat flashes across his face before he talks.

"Remember, back at the Edge when my dad was talking to me and that sort of caused me to try to take over the riders?" You hum a yes to his question.

"He's started doing it again, this time he's comparing me to Eret and how cool and good he is at everything." He starts, making you realize why you've been picking up on his jealous behaviour towards the former Trapper.

"It's getting under your skin, isn't it?" You ask him, you receive a shy nod causing you to take a breath.

"Remember what I told you, about your father and how he does things?" Once Snotlout nods a yes you continue.

"You know he isn't intentionally meaning to harm you but how he does parenting is not right, we both know this. But, this does not mean you are any less of a Viking in his eyes and I know that you've both started to come around to mutual respect for one another." You say while placing a hand on Hookfang.

"Spitelout does not dictate who you are or what you do." You tell him sternly, gesturing for him to repeat what you said.

"Spitelout does not dictate who you are or what you do." Once he says the words he looks up at you with a closed-lipped smile.

"Now, you going to change the outfit or what?" You ask playfully, making Snotlout smirk before letting out his signature laugh.


A day later, Snotlout had come up to the table the riders were sitting at with slight changes to his clothing. He kept his fur, but now it had a leather clock coming from it to keep him warm during the winters and his green tunic was now a nice dark, yet subtle, red colour.

"Looking good Snotlout." Dracul compliments, making Snotlout cockily strike a pose.

"I know, no need to tell me." He gloats, making Astrid groan.

"I wish you never said that now." She says to Dracul, semi sassily.

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