Battle of the Bewilderbeast Pt.1

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Third Person POV

"Whatever comes, keep hitting the mountain! We need to draw the Alpha out." Drago commanded as the second projectile hit the nest, however, before he could say more the dragons of the nest came to defend their home.

"Ready the traps!" The man then orders as one dragon dives down, only to get hit by a trap.

The traps containing dragons open, causing them to let out a pained, distressed roar which causes the Alpha's dragons to head to the traps. Meanwhile, the rest of the nest takes out the archers as a few dragons go to the traps. 

A Nadder sees a Gronckle and lands in the trap to help, only to get the trap to slam closed over the two. At another trap, a Thornridge landed in the trap that holds a dark blue dragon to help it, only to have the trap snap shut on its wing.

Making it have a rip in it from now on.

After a minute or two of the assault starting on The Dragon Sanctuary gas starts to flow out from one of the traps, surrounding the traps and surprising the Hunters around it. After a few seconds,  five traps are destroyed from the inside, having the riders and their dragons fly out.

"Surprise! Yeah!" Tuff cheered as Drago turns around to see what just happened.


As the dragons all start getting into formation Stormfly flies up to Meatlug, who Astrid was riding with Fishlegs, with Eret barely holding on for a few seconds.

"You really are full of surprises!" She exclaimed to Eret as he sits in the saddle properly, she then jumps over from Meatlug to Stormfly. Landing behind Eret.

"Let's go!" She instructed as they all got into their single-file formation, the one they had used over the past five years.

"Dragon Riders coming through!" Tuff called out as they all break off to deal with the traps.

"Fire!" Fishlegs yelled out, causing Meatlug to fire at one of the traps before spinning away from it with her tongue out.

"Ha-ha-ha!" Snotlout laughs as Hookfang burns another trap to the ground, growling in pride after he does so.

The twins have Barf fire out his gas over four traps as Stormfly gets ready to fire at them, to melt the traps, and let the dragons out.

"Woah-ho-ho! Yeah!" Tuff cheered as they passed Stormfly, who uses her magnesium fire to melt all the traps and harnesses holding the dragons in said traps. The dragons then fly towards the nest for a form of safety.

"CUT THEM DOWN!" Drago shouted at his men, causing them all to focus their fire on Barf and Belch as they charged them head-on.

As they try to avoid every net fired at them Barf jerks his head harshly to the left when Ruff was leaning right, causing her to fall off the saddle and towards the ground.

"Eret, son of Eret!" She called out as she falls to the ground, but Eret and Astrid are too far away to catch her.

Fishlegs and Snotlout then catch her, not arguing between each other who saved her this time. Ruff looks up at the two dreamily before closing her eyes happily as she's taken back to Barf.

Ryu then flies past, at a speed that makes him and Dracul look like a blur to the Hunters and Trappers on the ground. Ryu fires at two more traps, trying to take down one of the main ones as he dives down and picks up two Hunters.
He throws them in the air before flying off again, still trying to destroy one of the main traps.

"C'mon boy, we are the last thing line of defense for Berk out here!" Dracul said to his friend, who chitters in agreement.

Meanwhile, Astrid and Eret are being targeted by traps from all angles causing them to have to fly up towards the ice spikes.

"Up, girl!" Astrid called out to the Nadder, who went up before diving back down on her left.

"To the left, Eret! That's it!" She encouraged as a massive ice spike starts falling right on top of them.

"Look out!" She called out as the two duck for cover, but the ice is destroyed by a plasma blast and a Stormcutters fire.

The two look up to see Stoick, Gobber, Hiccup, and Y/n flying into the battle, the two smile as Toothless and Nyra fire two traps. Stoick then has Skullcrusher fly down so he can cut the rope that was holding a hobblegrunt, once the rope was cut the dragon takes to the air.

Meanwhile, Gobber sees a line of archers forming up and aiming at Y/n and Hiccup.

"Take 'em down!" One called out as Grump flies down behind.

"Heads up!" Gobber called out as Grump knock them all unconscious with his tail bludgeon, Gobber looks at them all then forwards while laughing.

"Ho ho ho!"

Toothless then flies past Drago, who only glares at him.

"Dragon Master."

Toothless and Nyra then fly up beside Stormfly so Hiccup and Y/n can greet Astrid and Eret.

"Well, look who it is!" Y/n commented playfully, knowing too well that he was panicking on the inside.

"Welcome aboard, Dragon Rider!" Hiccup greeted while flipping his mask up.

"Thanks. I think." He responds awkwardly while looking at the handles before up straight ahead.

"Where have you two been?" Astrid asked the two, who only smile at each other before looking up.

"Oh, y'know. Catching up with Mom." Hiccup answered casually as the other two riders look to where they were, only for their faces to show awe and wonder.

Valka and Cloudjumper were there, Valka dressed in her armor while holding up her staff, the Alpha then breaks his way out of the nest. Everyone looks up in wonder as a mighty roar is heard from the king.

"Whoa..." Eret breathed out, still in shock as he had never actually seen a Bewilderbeast before.

Astrid then looks at her friend in shock.

"That's your mother?!" She questioned him, causing Y/n to laugh.

"Well, now we know where he gets his dramatic flair!" She responded to her over the noise of the battle below.

Hiccup laughs at the girl he loves before flipping his helmet down and Toothless peels off to the right to help the others. Nyra then does the same, only diving down as Y/n uses the staff to hold onto Nyra's crown, leaving Stormfly to twirl upwards then down and blasting a trap right below her.

"The Alpha! Now we have a fight!" Drago commented with an evil smile as the Alpha freezes some of his men and traps them.

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