Relocating a Herd

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Your POV

A Month Later...

I sprint through the forest as fast as my legs can take me, jumping over logs and the little obstacle that the forest has. As the crunch of dead leaves fill my ears with the occasional snap of the twig an arrow flies past my head, it hits the trunk of the tree to my right front of me.

My legs burn as I keep sprinting through the forest, jumping over another log before coming to a hill. Without a second thought, I slide down the hill, another flies past and hits the ground to my left.
Once I come to the bottom of the hill a jump up quickly and start running again, jumping over a small river.

'Just a little longer.'

After what felt like another hour of sprinting I come to the others, meaning I had survived the chase. I come to a halt and collapse in front of everyone, sitting down on the hard forest floor I hear Astrid speaking.

"Well done, Y/n." She praised and I give her a tired thumbs up, not being able to form a smile right now.

After a few more seconds Dracul emerges from the forest, bow in hand with a painted arrow nocked to the string. He comes over and collapses beside me, laying down instead of sitting.

"You guys need some water." Heather said to us, handing me some water while Eret gave Dracul some as well.
I take a sip before spitting it out to my left, near Snotlout, before looking back at the ground.

"Hey!" I heard Snotlout cry out to me, but I didn't pay much attention as I just stared at the ground with not a thought in mind.

"Alright, who's next?" Astrid asked the group, but no one answered.

"Well, since no one answered..."


After an extremely relaxing bath, I walked into Hiccup's hut to see Toothless pacing around the fire. I raise an eyebrow before walking over to him, his ears raising before he looks over at me.
I walk over and kneel in front of him.

"Do you want to go for a flight?" I asked him, he made a sad coo confirming that he did.

Hiccup had taught me how to fly Toothless in case of an emergency, but this seems like a pretty good excuse to kidnap Toothless.

"How about you and I go flying around the village? Help out Nyra with the Alpha duties?" I asked him, causing the dragon to start bouncing around. I laugh at his antics before walking to the door.

He jumps to the door as I open it and runs through, knocking me over in the process.

"Hey!" I called out, getting up and walking over to him as he circles around me happily.

I then hop onto the saddle, click everything into place that I was taught to while putting my left foot where I need to before leaning down to Toothless.

"You ready?" I asked him, he snorts before taking off into the sky.

I hold onto the handles tightly as I get used to sitting down while flying and the speed that Toothless has. We fly around the village happily before flying up to Gothi's hut and diving down, just before we hit the ground Toothless pulls up.

"Well, you're certainly not Hiccup." I heard my brother comment, I turn to my left to see him flying up to me. I then hear two roars on my right and turn to see Nyra and Mischief looking at me.

I then turn back to my brother.

"Unless Loki played a trick of his and turned me into Y/n!" I exclaimed dramatically, this causes the laugh to leave my brothers mouth while a giggle leaves mine.

The Brave (HTTYD Hiccup x reader)Where stories live. Discover now