Chapter 41 : Kiss & Miss

Start from the beginning

If yes, then they had definitely landed in the wrong century. Or maybe they time travelled from decades ago, who could say! In the decade, where the sperm swam through the vagina faster than the time two people took to even know each other properly, these two were a total misfit. However, they were perfect for each other.

Nikhil needed a woman with patience, who could put up with him and Sharanya was just that. She could put up with everything and not complain. Similarly, Sharanya needed a man like Nikhil, someone who saw in her what she really was, someone who could be her knight in shining armour. Someone she could count on. A hand she could hold.

"I'll be back with manchurian and noodles, in the meanwhile get started with the soup and starters." Sharanya spoke up, rushing back into the kitchen.

Nikhil wanted to follow her in. He didn't want to take his eyes off her. However, the all-smiles look he was getting from their guests, told him it would be a very bad idea. He sat on the chair picking up the spring roll.

* * *

Throughout the entire dinner Sharanya stole glances at Nikhil. Initially, she was very nervous but with time it faded. She hadn't committed a crime, she had just expressed her affection for her husband.

She was genuinely surprised and happy to see Nikhil engaging in talks other than food. He spoke about his trip and how he had bagged a client unexpectedly. He was not the usual quiet self who only spoke up when spoken to. He was participating in conversation and he didn't look uncomfortable that was definitely a good sign.

"Sharu, you saw the reunion message on the group. It's in the first week of Feb. We are going right?" Gargi asked.

"Uh, Do we..."

"We are going," Gargi declared, not waiting for Sharanya to even speak.

Nikhil glanced at Sharanya. "You don't want to go?" He asked curiously.

"Nothing like that, it's umm, not that interesting." Sharanya answered.

"It's going to be fun. This time even Nikhil will be there with you. Besides it's in the new resort that's opened near the Airport. It's like ten kilometres away. We should definitely go."

"Hmm," Sharanya responded. Maybe Gargi was right. This time she wouldn't be third wheeling. Nikhil would be there too. The thought caused a doubt to sprout in her mind. What if Nikhil didn't want to? She decided to discuss this with him later. She made a face as she accidentally dropped some of the sauce near her plate being a little absent-minded.

Before she could ask for, Nikhil had put two tissues before her. She looked at him, muttering a thank you. So, he was closely watching her, she thought.

"There's a little on the back of your hand, uh near the elbow," He said.

Sharanya looked at her arm and spotted the stain of sauce. She quickly wiped that too. Looking at him gratefully. A blush beginning to spread on her cheeks again as she caught Gargi smirking.

"So, Nikhil, what's Sharanya's worse habit. I am sure you would have figured that out by now." Gargi asked, the fork in her hand swirling the noodles.

"Uh," Nikhil looked at Sharanya who sat on the chair beside his and then back at Gargi who sat across the table from him. "I haven't figured any out yet."

Sharanya smiled, as he stole a quick glance at her. What was up with him, why was he stealing glances like that today? He probably thought that she wasn't aware but she was extremely aware of his gazes.

"Awww. Learn Arun," Gargi gushed.

"That's because Sharanya doesn't have odd irritating habits like you," He managed to say with his mouth full of food.

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