The Truth about Reincarnation

Start from the beginning

she was staring at me. "I made

copies, with the help of Lucifer. After

the death of one, another will appear

at least in 20-50 years. Once my

reincarnation is born, this will stop." Copies? "You mean like puppets? Isabelle that

requires sacrifices." "I am well aware and the preparations

are done. All I need you to do is take

my soul so my reincarnation can live."

By the tone of her voice it sounded

as if she was getting mad. Heather sighed and nodded, going

back to her bowl. She stopped, and

poured some of the liquid into a small

cup. "Drink this and part of your soul

will be removed." Isabelle nodded,

took the cup, and drank it all. She collapsed to the ground in pain as

what looks like specks of white dust

floated out of her and into the bowl.

"Do you want her to have the same

name?" Isabelle shook her head. "She will be

her own person, live her own life, but

care for my children. They even may

love her even more." She replied with

sadness but had a smile on her face.

"Her name will be, Isabella." Then the bowl acted up as it shook fiercely

until it stopped. "It's done." Isabelle stood up. "Thank you my

dear friend, it was a pleasure knowing

you." And with that, she left, and the

scene disappeared. "Bella." I looked up to see Isabelle hovering

me. The lights appeared and I saw I

was in a clearing in the forest. "You

can get up now." I stood up. "I'm your only

reincarnation." I accused. She

nodded. "I figured it would be a long

time before you would appear, and I

could not leave my children here to

fend for themselves. I had the Devil take lives of girls through time and

change them to look and act like me.

And every time Anabell and Ashton

lost one, the other one was born." "And that's why they all agreed just

like that to be with Ashton and

Anabell. It wasn't motherly instinct, it

was mind control." "I did what I needed to protect my

children. If you weren't my

reincarnation, I would have taken your

soul too." Soul? That's right. "You put half of

your soul in me." "It was to bond you with me. You are

different from the copies, free to do

what you please. But my soul is to

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