New Shoes

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I glance at the clock, my hands fidgeting in anticipation. Two more minutes, I think to myself, desparately wanting this class to end. Finally, the bell rings and I practically sprint out of the classroom, standing at our spot. 

My eyes find Chase walking quickly down the hall, and a small smile gets etched onto my face. "Hey y/n.", Chase says softly when he reaches me, his eyes crinkling ever so slightly. "Hey Chase.", I say back, and we start walking to our next class. 

"Guess what?", I ask, my voice raising slightly due to excitement. "What?", Chase questions, amused. "I got new shoes!", I all but squeal. I'd been waiting on these shoes for three months now, and they'd finally come yesterday. I lifted up my right foot, showing off my new shoes.

"Damnn. The Benjamin Franklin 10s.", Chase says with a smirk on his face, trying to hold in his laughter. I frown and turn to him. "I thought they looked nice.", I say quietly, looking down at my shoes. 

Chase glances down at me, suddenly aware that I care about these shoes more than he thought I did. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize that these shoes were important to you.", Chase says, looking down at me. I look up at him, and I can tell that he sincerely means his apology. "It's fine. I've just been waiting on these for forever, and I was really excited to show you.", I say, sending him a fake smile. 

Chase wraps his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him, giving me a half hug. "I really am sorry y/n. They look good.", he says, smiling down at me. I nod my head at him while I teacher yells at us to get to class.

I roll my eyes, and we pick up the pace, making it to science with seconds left to spare.


A couple days later, i'm doing the same thing that I do every school day, waiting for Chase. "Y/N!", Chase yells, running down the hall towards me. "Huh?", I ask, caught off gaurd by his sudden excitement to see me. "Look.", he says proudly, showing me his phone. 

I look at his phone in confusion, before my lips turn up into a smile. "You got a pair of these shoes?", I ask to clarify. "Yep! Now we can match. We only have to wait three months.", Chase says, beaming. 

"You're cute.", I mumble. Chase's eyes widen, and he pauses his walking slightly. "Aww. Are you blushing, Huddy?", I tease him, seeing his cheeks tint pink. Chase lightly hits my shoulder before saying, "Shut up, y/l/n."


A/N: Really short and cringey one today.. don't ask me what this is, I just wrote whatever came to mind. Also, just to clarify, in this one y/n and chase aren't dating, they're best friends that both like eachother. Please make sure to eat and drink something today :) I love you <3

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