Bad Day Cuddles

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You weren't having the best day, and you were waiting for your boyfriend to come home. 

He always makes you feel better.

You were snapping some of your friends, when you heard him coming in the door.

You wanted to go to him, but you didn't want to get up.

"I'm home babygirl", you heard him call from downstairs.

He walks upstairs and knocks on your shared bedroom door.

"y/n? Can i come in? Are you ok baby?", he asks worriedly.

"Ofc you can come in bubbaa", you tell him.

"Are you ok mamas?", he asks you.

"I just had a bad day, that's all", you sigh out.

"Aww I'm sorry bub", he says, laying next to you on the bed.

"Do you want cuddles?"

"Always", you reply, leaning into him. 

He wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you into his chest. 

"Hey i have an idea", he says, sitting up suddenly.

"What is it bub?", you ask, looking up at him.

"What if we lay in bed the rest of the night and cuddle and do a Harry Potter marathon?", he says, excitedly.

Harry Potter was your favorite series, although Chase didn't like it that much. It meant a lot to you that he was willing to watch all 8 movies with you.

"I can even make us cookies", he adds.

"That sounds perfect baby", you say, nuzzling into him.

"But i have cookies in a bag downstairs that we can eat. I don't want you to leave", you say, as he gets up to go make cookies.

"Ok bub", he says, smiling and leaving the room.

"And i would never leave you babygirl", he yells from the stairs.

You smile.

He really was your only light in the dark sometimes.

He comes back upstairs with the cookies, and lays on the bed with you.

He turns on Harry Potter and hands you a cookie.

"Here bub", he whispers.

"Thank you baby", you say, gladly taking the cookie.

He lifts your chin and kisses you softly. 

"Of course bubba"

You snuggle into him, and you spend the rest of the night watching Harry Potter, snuggling, and eating cookies.


Word Count: 363

A/N: ik Chase likes HP (as far as ik) i only did it for the imagine-

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