"you're the bastard of Winterfell, aren't you? Lord snow?" Bronn questioned spotting a wince that crossed Jon's face, the pup by his side let out a low growl at Bronn, it was amusing now but when the creature was full-grown...

"What is that?" Tyrion interjected eyeing the pup with gleaming eyes, the supposed extinct myth turning out to be alive.

"This is Ghost, he's a direwolf" Jon explained and Tyrion's head jerked to him in disbelief

"Direwolves haven't been seen south of the wall in a thousand years" Tyrion stated "I was hoping to see the library before changing for the feast this evening..."

"aye," Jon spoke before turning and walking off into the keep, leaving them to hurry after him.

"what a chatty bloke, practically a gobshite" Bronn snarked causing Tyrion to let out a loud laugh.

Jon heard them but kept his mouth shut, silently showing them to the library, he opened the double oak doors and spotted his half-sister Lyra with her boots off, feet tucked up under her as Beowulf laid sprawled in front of her. Jon loved his sister, they had spent their entire lives together, she and Robb had always been his protectors first and foremost from the rest of the world, Jon had been blessed by the old Gods to have been taken in and raised alongside them. while it had rubbed at him and hurt him when the realities of life hit him, when he was the shame of his family and especially when Sansa chose her mother and her God's teachings over her flesh and blood, he always had Robb and Lyra to turn too, it had always been them three together and always will be.

Lyra was completely engrossed in her book and didn't notice the intrusion until Ghost leapt onto Beowulf causing him to let out a yelp, glancing up she spotted Jon along with a well-dressed dwarf, obviously, the little lion, the imp, the shame of Tywin Lannister, little monster...and so much more.

Along with a tall lean man standing behind him, with slicked-back dark brown hair that curled at the nape of his neck, a scruffy beard along his jawline and light blue eyes, like a cloudless winter day. he had scars that stood out against his tanned skin, after the quick perusal she glanced back towards Jon.

"if something breaks I'm blaming you" Lyra informed him, turning the page idly, ignoring the other two guests, rude of her in all truth but they were not her priority right now.

"you always blame me" Jon replied sitting on the armchair diagonally from her, Ghost lost interest in his playmate and wandered back over to his master, Beowulf came and sat in front of Lyra tilting his head to the side and releasing a soft whine. Lyra sighed and picked him up and placed him onto her lap, he managed to curl himself up into a tight ball to fit but soon he would be too big to do it anymore.

"I don't" she denied automatically scratching behind Beowulf's ear and he let out a content huff

"oh no father it was Jon who was shooting arrows in the great hall, I would never" he mocked in a high pitch "you're such a pushover" he gestured towards Beowulf in her lap.

"Your face is a pushover" Lyra snapped back without any heat.

"And with that devastating insult, I'm going to my room where I'll cry into my pillow and write in my diary of what a cruel world it is, do you need anything else, my lord?" Jon addressed Tyrion while Lyra felt a flush steal over her cheeks. The prick had set her up on purpose, her eyes narrowed playfully at him and he winked subtly back.

Thankfully the Lord seemed amused by their exchange "No I'll be alright, I hope the Lady doesn't object to my or my sellsword's presence?" he asked her, Jon swiftly leaving the room.

"no, My Lord I think you will be pleasant company" Lyra sent a soft smile towards him, glancing up at the other man who was already staring at her intensely. she wondered why he seemed so fascinated by her.

Beguiling WolfWhere stories live. Discover now