making up.

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We arrive at Fez's house, he carries my bag into the hallway and dumps it on the floor. Ashtray comes up to me all of a sudden. He looks at me, noticing my puffy eyes and cracked lips, my damp hair and drained skin. All of a sudden he gives me an awkward hug. I don't think this kid has ever hugged someone in his life by the looks of it, but that makes it special. Fez must have told him what went on last night. He doesn't say a word, but i can feel his support. I sit down on the couch next to Fez.

"Rues coming over to talk to you." he tells me.

I don't really want to see her, but we are gonna have to talk at some point.


There is a banging at the door.

"Yo Fez, Its Rue, lemme in."

Fez looks and me, reassuring me everything will be okay, he opens the door and there Rue is.

She doesnt say anything, she just runs up to me and pulls me in, for a long, tight hug. I smile.

"Im so so sorry, about everything Melody. I should have never tried to pressure you into things, I love you so much and I forgot how much I treasure you when I found Jules. but I realise how much I love you now, your sister was special, you may feel alone but you have me and Fez. Im not going no where." she whispers into my hair.

I grip her tighter letting her know i accept her apology, i missed her too much to object.

Fez comes over and ruffles both our hair. We laugh at him and Rue jumps up next to me on the sofa.

"Lets put some shit on Tv" Fez says, sitting down next to me.

We watch some movie on netflix, and snack on popcorn.

"I love both of you so much." I say.

Fez puts his arm around me, then rue puts her arm around me, which turns into one big group hug.

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