It'll all be okay.

876 13 0

I hear my front door slam shut and footsteps echoing around, my hearing is slipping away, I am not sure whether its Due to the alcohol or blood loss.

The door opens and Fez runs in.

"Oh baby" He mumbles, picking me up and putting me on the bed while i continue to cry, He brought some kind of weird first aid kit with him. I don't even decide to question why the fuck Fez has a first aid kit. Probably because he's a drug dealer and has gotten into some tough fights in his life. He grabs a thin needle and some kind of doctors thread and starts to stitch the wounds closed once they have slowed bleeding. I wince from the pain.

We don't speak for a good 10 minutes until the stitches are completely done. I don't know where he learnt how to stitch wounds. Fez gets up all of a sudden and walks into the bathroom, I hear him start to run a bath.

"Im gonna give you a bath melody, okay?" He says softly, realising how drunk I am.

"okay" I slur, my voice broken from the screaming and crying earlier.

He strokes my hair and looks into my eyes and puts a miserable smile on his face, for me. I smile back as best I can, tears still escaping my eyes.

"How much did you drink?" He questions gently, making sure I know he's not angry.

"I don't remember" I sniffle

He wipes the mascara from under my eyes and kisses my forehead. He goes back into the bathroom and stops the tap. He lifts me up from the bed and carries me into the bathroom.

"can you stand?"

I give a slight nod and steady myself when he puts me down. He undresses me gently and holds my hands as i step into the bath.

"Keep your wrist out Mel." He says, He grabs some soap and cleans me while I focus on the movements of the water, too numb to think of anything to say to him right now. He grabs a cup and pours water over my head, cooling me down.

He helps me out and wraps a towel around me, and then leads me back to bed. He grabs some pyjamas and dresses me in them and pats my hair dry. I lie in my bed and stare at the ceiling, no tears left to cry, he takes his shirt off leaving him in some m&m pyjama bottoms, which makes me smile. He climbs into bed next to me and wraps his arms around my waist, burrowing his head into the slope of my neck.

"I love you so much" He whispers into my hair.
I squeeze his hand in reassurance as it hurts to bad to speak. I slip into a deep sleep, forgetting the events of tonight, just focusing on the feeling of being cuddled up next to fez.

Just focusing on the feeling of actually being loved.

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