the shop.

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I wake up the next morning to the sounds of birds and the smell of fresh air, Fez must of left my window open.


All the memories from last night come flooding back. I smile to myself, Reliving Last night in my head, my crush on Fezco growing by the second.

I roll out of bed and run a quick bath to wash myself and my hair. All of my problems don't seem so bad anymore, I don't know if its the fact that i actually have drugs now, or if it's because i realise that Rue probably wasn't thinking straight either. I have school in an hour anyways so I will see her then, and maybe meet this Jules? Maybe i will like her.

I wear a jumper and some jeans that really do not match, but i honestly couldn't care anymore. I put my hair in a low ponytail and wear some mascara. My eyes are puffy and my bags are horrible. Damn i look like a drug addict already, I think to myself. I put more makeup on to hide the obvious fact i was seriously shitfaced last night. I hate hangovers.

Rue is waiting at the entrance for me, she hugs me and apologies as soon as she sees me which makes me feel better.

I see a pretty girl waving at us from down the halls.

"hey theres jules, wanna meet her?"

"sure!" I spit out, with a little bit too much forced excitement

But i'm nervous, nervous incase i meet my possible replacement.

"Hey!" she greets me, and gives me a big hug, "ive heard a lot about you!" she smiles.

I smile back at the both of them, they seem happy, however to me it feels extremely awkward.

she seems nice?

The day flies over, i learn a lot about Jules past, how Nate Jacobs loves to torment her, oh and how she fucked his.. Dad? But i'm not supposed to say anything to anyone... so.

Rue keeps continuing on about how she instructed Fez to scare Nate, and my face lights up, ready to tell Rue all about me and Fez, but for some reason I'm hesitant, and i don't know why. I guess its this whole new friendship group thing, but i will tell Rue when i'm alone.

I head to the shop after school, I want a red bull, and i also just want another excuse to talk to Fez, however when i turn the corner i see Fez and Nate Jacobs talking, Fez hasn't seen me yet though, so i enter the shop and go to the freezer, we catch eyes as i pull out a red bull and stand next to Nate, ready to pay.

I look at the floor, not wanting Nate to notice me.

" Look, all i'm sayin man, U keep fuckin with Rue and her friend Jules, n imma kill you."

I look up at Fez, shocked, almost scared? He sounded serious when he said that, and i was scared for the outcome. Everyone knows how explosive Nate jacobs can be, and ever since the incident with me and him, Ive just been 10% more scared than any normal person would be.

No one says anything, They just stare at eachother. Nate throws his money at Fez and turns around to me.

"Oh, Hey mel."
He says in an unsettling manner.


Nate twirls my hair around his finger and leans in towards me. I pull my face away from his and look at fez.

Fez clenches his jaw and his hands form into fists, almost on instinct. He seems angry.

"you look very pretty" Nate says into my hair. His hot breath on my neck almost makes me gag.

All of sudden, as if god had randomly forgiven me for all of my sins, Nate stands up straight and walks away to his car. Me and Fez both watch him walk away for a good 10 seconds, until he is out of sight.

"creep" Fez mumbles.

"yeah" i breath out, feeling flustered and icky.

"Yo you ain't need to pay me for a red bull, just have it, Id think you need it after last night."

My cheeks go red and i laugh, He laughs too.

"You fr need to stop the drugs tho mel" He smiles at me.

"Its hard" i dont want to have this conversation

My phone buzzes, its Rue, telling me to come over.
Finally, No jules.

"Hey i gotta go, but Ill catch you later"

"yeah, u should swing by my place sometime."

"maybe" i wink at him and walk away

Why the hell did i wink. I laugh at myself, And turn to look at Fez one more time.

He's smiling to himself.

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