The 1st Relapse

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I run home, of course its Thundering and lightning. Im sobbing and i cant quite seem to catch my breath. The air is cold and it feels like smoke when i breath it in.

I need drugs, but i cant go to Fez

what i'm about to do is so fucking dumb

I peer into Rues room from outside her slightly open window and realise she isn't home. I celebrate under my breath. I slowly and quietly climb into her room through the window while holding my breathe. I know exactly where her stash is, we've been friends for too long for me not too know.

I lift up her mattress and slip out a whole bottle of pills, i put the bottle in my bra and climb back out the window. As i'm closing it I hear her mom shout her name.

"Fuck" I mutter, i close the window slightly more and I run home, not crying as hard now, but mine and Fez's argument keeps popping into my head, it was so obviously all my fault, and i cant keep doing that if i want this too work.

I slide upstairs to my room and shut the door.

I stair into the mirror opposite my bed and look at myself. What am i doing? Is this what i want?

a voice in my head tells me to ignore those questions and take a few pills. This is hardcore shit so i can only have i few. Its to tempting not too, i've already stolen them now.  I take 2 and i lie back on my bed, feeling incredibly satisfied. But the drugs just bring all of the feelings back, it's overwhelming and i don't like it.

I hit my leg a few times to relieve the stress, i've always had to do this. Its too much. Loosing Rue, Loosing Fez, Relapsing. I cry harder now. I run to the bathroom and grab a blade and lift up my sleeve.

I stare into the mirror, realising i don't recognise myself. Who is this weak little girl in the mirror? Is that who I am now?

The stressful feelings soon fade away as the blade pierces my skin, leaving 6 red lines across my wrist, the blood runs off onto my floor, but soon stops when i pat it. I throw on a long sleeve jumper and some shorts, and climb into bed.

My phone buzzes and i see Fez's name. It is hard to read when your on drugs but i think it says ;

"Im sorry."

I love him.

"I know. Im sorry too" I reply.

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