Return - 22

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After a short few seconds of celebrating, the reunited trio make their way back home. Having lost track of time, they noticed the sun had just began to rise and they could see the sunrise in between all the mountains shining down on their smiling faces. 🌄 The entire walk back, Antonio refused to let go of Mirabel's hand and Bella happily ran circles around them purring loudly happy to see her Antonio so happy.

Shortly before they arrived, Julieta woke up before the rest and got started on breakfast. She wanted to get an early start as the family had planned on searching for Mirabel again today. Soon enough the smell of food woke up the rest of her beloved familia and they all drifted into the kitchen. Soon only Bruno and Antonio were not downstairs and Pepa went to make sure they were okay.

Pepa had been struggling since Mirabel left because she understood in a way how Mirabel felt her gift was cursed. She was forced to be able to changed her emotions in seconds to make the weather the type needed at the time by the village and was never truly able to feel free. She knew Dolores understood the feeling of being cursed as well due to never being able to turn her gift off and having everything 10x louder for her than most. She thought back to all the times she had just wished for a normal childhood and before she knew it was at Antonio's door.

   When she opened his door, the room was quiet. All she heard was the quiet chatter and chirps of various animals in his giant sized tree.  Pepa felt her heart skip a beat as she ran up to his hammock area only to find it empty. But before her panic fully sets in, her precious baby boy's arms wrap around her legs from behind with a little giggle. Pepa watches as her thundering cloud wisps away and turns around to face Antonio.

   "Toni, where were you sweetheart? You nearly threw mami into a hurricane of worry!" Her youngest son's smile never falters as he gives her a vague but mischievous answer. "I was finding you a gift mami! I think you'll LOVE it!" And without saying another word his jaguar sweeps him up and they run back downstairs.

   Antonio and Bella run into the kitchen where everyone else is waiting and let's put a shout, "I found you all a gift I think you'll really like!" The entire family smiles having not seen Antonio smile like this since Mirabel disappeared. Curious as to what could have made him so happy, they all walk after his and Bella to were Bruno and Mirabel are hiding in a distance.

   As the family gets closer and closer to Bruno and Mirabel's hiding spot, the pair vegans to step out. Mirabel's steps are shaky and Bruno is quick to give her hand a squeeze of reassurance.

   Three more steps and they will be out in the open for all their family to see.

   Two more steps and they will all be reunited once again.

   One more step and many tears of joy will be shed and hugs shared.

No more steps and the families eyes widen at the sight of their gift returning.

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