A Day Out With Oniichan

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Mina laughed softly as she watched Eri ran in circles around Shoto, the three of them waiting patiently for Kirishima and Katsuki to arrive. A chuckle was heard from the doorway as the two Princes' walked into the courtyard, the young omega ran up to her big brother and starred up at him with sparkles in her eyes, she truly was to pure for this world.
"Are you ready to go firework?" Eri nodded quickly, way to excited to spend time with Bakugou, he smiled at her, the luna grabbed his sister's hand before walking out the gates and towards the kingdom.

After Katsuki was out of sight Kirishima turned to Shoto, "Come with me" he stated coldly as he walked back into the castle, Todoroki followed Ejirou through the halls and into what looked like a large training area, the werewolf stopped in front of an empty court, he pointed at the wooden weapons on the side of the area. "You and me are going to spar" Shoto would happily agree to a sparring match if it meant he got to fight a werewolf, he walked over to the bench on his side, placing his real sword neatly on it before he walked over to pick a wooden one. Ejirou was already on the court when Todoroki picked his weapon, standing in a fighting stance as he waited for the vampire to sort himself out, he had picked two small wooden knifes, effectively copying real duel blades, Shoto had picked a two handed sword. A group had formed around the two, wanting to watch a sparring match between the werewolf Prince and a vampire, the two alphas starred at each other, neither of them moving as they studied the other, Todoroki took a mental note of the type of weapon his opponent had chosen, duel blades are meant to be used for short, quick attacks, this means it will be hard to block them. Kirishima noticed that the vampire was lost in though and used the opportunity to lunge at him.

Eri skipped next her older brother as he walked through the woods, they were walking on the border between naga and werewolf, Katsuki made his way over the border and into naga territory, if they stayed away from the areas where large groups of nagas gather they should be fine.
"Katsuki?" the blonde turned his head at the sound of his name, he look up onto a tree branch to see two yellow eyes starring confusingly at him, "what are you doing in naga territory?" Denki questioned his human friend, wanting to know the details,
"Eri wanted to spend time together and I didn't feel like walking through the werewolf kingdom again" it was only then that kaminari noticed his young demon friend, he nodded at the blonde and then frowned again, another question coming to him,
"What are you and Eri-chan doing in the werewolf kingdom?" Katsuki sighed at the beta, would he ever escape the questions?
"I'm here for.." Bakugou looked down at his sister, realising he still hasn't told her why they were there, he turned back to Denki and lowered his voice so only he could hear, "my official mating with the werewolf Prince" the naga squealed loudly causing Bakugou to hear a groan from above him, Sero flopped down next to his mate, a annoyed expression on his face,
"Why are you screaming?" Kaminari smiled at him as he filled his alpha in on Katsuki's situation, Hanta looked to Bakugou his interest peaked, "What is he like? we have only ever heard rumors about him"

Ejirou attacked Shoto quickly, the guard just barely being able to block the assault, they had been sparring for about an hour and so far neither of them had showed any sign of stopping. Kirishima laughed as he jumped out of the way from Todoroki's sword, the vampire was breathing heavily and his movements were slowing,
"What's wrong vampire, too quick for you?" the werewolf teased, his words filled Shoto with rage, he wasn't tired because of the sparring, he was tired because it was board daylight, Todoroki promised himself that the next time they sparred it would be at night where he would have the upper hand. His energy returned after a short while, the two alphas circled each other, keeping eye contact, is time it was Shoto who attacked first, he came in fast and low, attempting to knock Ejirou's weapons out of his grasp.

Katsuki leaned against a large tree as he watched Denki and Eri play, Sero coiled himself around the blonde loosely, making sure his poisonous scales don't touch Bakugou, the two talked about random things that had no practical meaning. The luna had answered all of the alphan nagas' questions about his soulmate, he didn't give away any information that could come back to haunt him, mainly just a general description of what the werewolf Prince look and acts like. A few hours when by, Bakugou's mind started to wonder back to his alphas, he didn't like that they would be alone for the entire day, he knew they hated each other and It was kind of his fault, he and Shoto had known each other for years and had a good relationship, he and Kirishima had only known each other for three days but were already close due to them being soulmates, his two alphas were competing for him and he if he was being honest, he already knew which one would win.

"You know, Kat already belongs to me" Ejirou had effectively gotten under the vampires skin, he could see the shear amount hate in Shoto's bi coloured eyes and he loved it, his attacks had remained fluid and calculated, while Todoroki's movements were sloppy and rage driven. "Shut up you stupid dog!" the crowd around the two alphas' had grown, all other training had stopped by this point, everyone was to focused on the fight.

Katsuki sighed heavily as he carried his little sister, she was sleepy and he could tell that she needed to nest, he also knew that she would want him to nest with her and of course he would accept. Shoto and Kirishima stood in the courtyard waiting for Bakugou and Eri to return, the two had to be forced away from each other by guards when their sparring match ended, what had started as a sparring had turned into them trying to physically hurt each other. The luna walked into the castle, he smiled at his alphas before he walked up to his sisters bedroom.

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