Werewolf Kingdom

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Servants ran around packing up Katsuki's belongings, he was required to take all of his stuff, the Prince wasn't the only one that was packing, servants were also packing up Shoto and Eri's stuff as well, when the young omega had heard that her brother and favorite alpha were going somewhere she had begged her mother to let her go as well, to which she had reluctantly agreed. Todoroki had to hold Bakugou's arm so he would kill the servants when they started to pack up his nest, he knew the materials had to be packed but he still didn't enjoy watching a bunch of random people touching his nest. Shoto and Katsuki went for one last walk through the castle before they had to leave early the next morning, the two walked through the large gardens and courtyards, walked through the training yards, and out to the stables, this was the last full day the both of them would spend together.

All preparations for the arrival of the lunen Prince were being made, a bedroom just down from Ejirou's was being made up for the luna, expensive nesting materials were being placed within the room, lotions and body washes were arranged neatly in the attached bathroom after the room had been finished Kirishima placed his courting gifts on the newly made bed. He still couldn't believe this was happening, he was excited and scared at the same time.
"You look nervous" Ejirou's mom stood in the doorway, her son turned to face her,
"Yeah I guess I am, I just hope he likes me" the young werewolf admitted, his mom smiled brightly,
"Come on it's been a long day, it's time for dinner"

Shoto and Katsuki were standing outside the stables, waiting for their horses to be tacked up, it was almost time for them to leave. After a short while the horses were brought out, Mitsuki came out with Eri, and Bakugou got up onto his horse before helping his sister up, Todoroki made sure the Princess was secure before he got up on his horse and the ride began. The werewolf kingdom wasn't very far away, they would arrive just after lunch, which of course they would send with the royal werewolf family.

The closer it got to the time Katsuki was subject to arrive the more nervous Ejirou became, he was pacing and forth in the throne room, he was meant to be sitting on his throne but he couldn't sit still when he knew his mate was own their way and would soon arrive.
"You won't have to wait much longer" his mother's comment pushed him out of his thoughts, he looked over at the large wooden doors, the ones his mate would walk through to present themselves to him, Kirishima sat down on his throne, eyes locked on the doors.

"There it is, I can see it oniichan!" Eri squealed as the werewolf kingdom came into view, he hated to admit it but Katsuki's nerves were getting the best of him, they were stopped at the front gates by two guards the appeared to be nekos,
"Who are you and what business do you have in the kingdom?" one of the two guards asked,
"I'm Katsuki Bakugou and I am here for my official mating with your Prince" the information didn't seem to affect either of the guards, they kept their faces and continued their list of questions,
"I see, so this must be your younger sister and that must be your guard, is that correct?" the guard gestured towards Eri then Todoroki, Bakugou nodded, the two guards seemed happy enough and moved out of the way. They arrived at the castle, Shoto dismounted his horse and helped Eri to get off, he offered his hand to Katsuki who promptly denied the offer,
"I can get off my damn horse without your help" the servants came out to take their belongings and horses away. The three of them followed one of the servants to the throne room, the luna hesitated for a moment before he pushed open the doors, they walked forward into the room, Bakugou kept his head straight forward, that is until he noticed the red-headed werewolf staring intently at him.

"Welcome to our kingdom, please introduce yourselves" the werewolf Queens' words forced Katsuki to look away from Kirishima, he turned his head towards the female werewolf that he presumed was one of the Queens,
"I am Katsuki Bakugou, lunen Prince of the human kingdom, with is my younger sister, her name is Eri and that is Shoto Todoroki, he's my guard" Bakugou introduced them to the werewolves, the Queen nodded,
"I see, I will tell the servants to prepare two more rooms, what dynamics are they?" the luna paused to think about his next words, telling them that Eri was an omega wouldn't be a problem but Shoto was a different matter, he was a normal alpha vampire, werewolves and vampires have had tension between them so he didn't know what would happen.
"Eri is an omega and Shoto is an....alpha" his words were barely audible, the new information didn't sit well with the werewolves, the Queen made eye contact with Todoroki who was standing directly next to his Prince,
"Your services are no longer needed, rest assured, the Prince with be safe here, you may return to the kingdom you came from" her tone was harsh, however, Shoto didn't move a muscle,
"No, it's my job to protect the Prince and the Princess, so as long as they are here I will not leave" He spoke through gritted teeth, he hated the fact that Katsuki was no longer his, that he had to give his luna to another.
"very well, you may stay, but only to protect the omega Princess" Todoroki agreed to the terms, he refused to leave Katsuki, especially when there was a different alpha that wanted him.

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