Thirteen: Identical Twins

Start from the beginning

"Hey, wanna go?" Li yelled.

I nodded, not wanting to burst my vocal chords shouting over the music. We elbowed the others and pointed to the door. They followed us out.

We made our way to the car, and Devin commented, "That place was very rainbow-y." He was probably talking about the rainbow Christmas lights and rainbow disco ball. When I saw the disco ball, I cringed.

"No shit, Sherlock," Li replied, biffing his brother. "It's literally a gay club, what the hell did you expect? A bunch of deer heads and hunting guns?"

"I don't know. I'm merely saying it was extremely colorful."

"Yeah, well, so are we."

"Fair point."

I chuckled. "That was eventful."

"Oh yeah. By the way, Twins, we need to give Randy his presents," Knox responded.

"Hm, yeah. We do," Dev said.

"You guys didn't need to get me anything, I've got enough. Seriously!" I exclaimed, however I was curious to see what they had gotten me. It was a tradition amongst us to give really stupid birthday and Christmas gifts.

Knox rolled his eyes. "Mhm. We totally believe you. It's tradition, anyway. Somewhat okay birthday, dumbass." We don't wish each other a happy birthday because, well, why would we? We also don't say Merry Christmas. That's for a reason, though. We're all agnostic. He handed me two bags, one red and one purple, AKA my favorite colors. "Open the purple first, alright?"

"Okay..." Inside the bag was a Hello Kitty towel. "Oh. That's quite something. Honestly, I'm kinda in love with it."

"I thought you would be. Now open the red."

The red bag was revealed to be four tickets to a New York Rangers game in NYC. We had always been fans of hockey, even more so the Rangers. "Knox, dude, that's awesome! We're going to a Rangers game?"

He nodded. "We're going to a Rangers game."

"That's sick. Thanks so much, Knoxie."

"Of course. Dev, you wanna go?"

"Absolutely." Devin pulled out another two bags, same colors. "Same drill with Knox. Purple first."

It was a t-shirt that said 'Non-flammable? Challenge accepted.' I grinned, thinking that if my parents would let me, I would definitely wear that. With me, everything is flammable. "This is very accurate."

"I know. I've been friends with you for thirteen years. Unfortunately. Look in the red bag."

That one was a laser tag game. Four sets. Four, again. "Uh, Li?"

"What's up?" They answered.

"There were four tickets. There's four sets of these. What are the chances Knox and Dev are happy you're here?"

Li Ellet out a deep chuckle that was weirdly attractive, and Dev and Knox shared a guilty expression. Dev started, "I mean, the only options were a ten pack or a four pack. I went with the latter."

"Yeah, and, uh, I have no idea if Li likes hockey but hopefully..." Knox added.

"I do. Got a jersey and everything," Li confirmed.

"Oh, thank God."

I snickered. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Devin nudge Li. They whispered stuff to each other. The interaction ended with Dev looking like he was about to throw up, and Li laughing his ass off. Finally, Dev sent a glare to his twin.

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