1• After the conclusion

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Chapter 1.

The annoying sound of the alarm clock ringing from his nightstand woke him up, tearing him away from the pleasant dream he had onto the harsh reality of life.

Jeremy blinked his eyes in the dark and rose from his bed. He walked to bathroom to take a quick shower before he got dressed making him look a little bit responsible in a long sleeve blue shirt and black pants.

As he placed his golden watch on his wrist, Jeremy gazed at the time which told him that he had exactly thirty minutes before the sun would rise. Jeremy took his travelling bag and placed some clothes he would need during the journey. When he was done, he went to his kitchen to make himself some coffee finally letting his thoughts linger back to the dream he had.

The dream he had of his ex girlfriend.

It was pathetic he knew that, but it wasn't the first time he dreamed of her even though it had been long since he last did. Jeremy couldn't believe that after so long his mind and his heart couldn't forget the existence of that girl-a woman now, he reminded himself.

Some five years ago, Jeremy would have sworn that never would he wake up from sleep without seeing her by his side, sleeping in his arms where she belonged.

Jeremy laughed at that thought because she would have been by his side if he hadn't been such a giant idiot by breaking her heart. He had left her in search of something; somewhere different, somewhere safe, a better place maybe. But little did he know that she was his better place; his everything, his world.

Jeremy heaved out a deep sigh and took out his phone. Unlocking it, he dialed Nathanael's number deciding it was better to remind him of the meeting they were to attain in Lagos would be the next day and it would be better for them to leave for Nigeria in the morning. Even though they spoke about it some weeks ago, Jeremy knew Nathanael Rodriguez as the easy to forget type of guy.

As far as Jeremy could remember, he had known Nathanael for more that fifteen years now. They had met in primary school and ever since then they became inseparable even though damage was irreparable.

Nathanael was a kind, patient and trust worthy person. When they were younger, he was that kind of a kid admired by all his mate's parents who wouldn't stop telling their children: 'why can't you become like Nathanael? He is always the first in class' or, 'Why can't you be as sweet and respectful as your friend, Nathanael?' But, as regretful as it seemed Jeremy was nothing as his best friend.

Instead, Jeremy was a total highschool cliché back in school. He had poor notes, always got himself into trouble and had a very bad temper. Even with all those flaws, he was every guy's dream self and had every girl at his feet. Jeremy was rich, popular and very influential boy because he was the only son of the THE Ndongo Oliver who was himself a member of The Ndongo Family and believe when you are related to that family in anyway, you were influential. You could probably rule over the town, over the country even. And that is what his family did.

Sometimes when Jeremy was alone which happened to be too often than it used to be, he would wander why on Earth he had decided to become a medical doctor. The members of his family were all in politics. They were lawyers, judges, mayors, governor, senators and even ministers. They ruled the country and held it in the palms of their hands. But him, Ndongo Jeremy Richard the only son to the late Minister of External Relationship Oliver Ndongo had chosen a completely different path for himself and to the distaste of his family, he became a doctor and though not the best in the country, he was pretty a good one.

Pressing the call button, Nathanael's phone began to ring, but the robotic voice notified Jeremy that he was having another call. Jeremy tried again and again, but Nathanael couldn't still be reached and as such, he wrote him a message on WhatsApp then took his bag and left his apartment.

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