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Tess announces, racing past us to catch up with the three witches.

"Poor thing... she doesn't even realise that she is just a pet."

Eliana pities. I do kind of feel bad for Tess. She seems like she'd have been a great person if she hadn't met those jerks.

"Yeah well, she chooses to stick with them, nothing we can do about that."

Ezra has a point.

"Need any help clearing your stuff?"

"Thanks hope, but Ace is already running around the school doing everything for me so I'm good."

Don't look at me like that, he is the one who insisted. I just didn't object. Besides, what else is a brother for?

"Okay then, come with us to the dance studio! We should do one last performance together!"

Ezra announces.

It's not a bad idea. I mean, if there is one thing I loved about this place was dancing, especially with them. I'll never say that out loud though... I'd never hear the end of it.



"Why is it so dark in here?"

I ask as we enter the studio. There is literally no difference between what I see when my eyes are closed.

"Just... stand right here."

Eli plants me in a particular spot.

"You guys... it's not a surprise if I know it's going to happen."

No one responds. I can hear them whispering and scrambling around the room.

"3... 2... 1!"

Light explodes into the room, nearly blinding me, forcing me to shut my eyes.


They all yell. I open my eyes to see the room decorated with streamers, pictures of our dance team and a huge banner hanging from the ceiling.


Wouldn't it have made more sense to write goodbye Sarah? I am not the dance club.

There are people I'm pretty sure I've never seen before in the room, each one has an instrument. I think it's the music club. The dance team members are standing in formation. It's pretty easy to figure out what's going on. A goodbye performance for me. I feel that awkward tension that happens when everyone's singing happy birthday to me...

"Aww... a goodbye performance? For me?"

I don't know what to do now... this is awkward. No doubt the two goofs planned this, my boyfriend and my best friend.

"Well... she reacted."

Zac shrugs.

"I guess that's the best we're going to get."

Eli concludes that he places his fingers on his guitar. He starts to strum the melody to the song he played for me the other day confirming that they planned this together. He sings on his own at first then the drummer smashes his drum sticks together three times before completely changing the song's vibe from sweet and mellow to hype and upbeat. Zac and the rest of the crew start dancing as soon as the first drum beat hits, it's not too bad. I actually feel worse about leaving now. I'm doing my level best to hold back tears because of how unbelievable it is that they did this all for me. They probably rehearsed their butts off for this considering how coordinated it is. Not a single person is missing a single beat. All the dancers movements are synchronized and none of the musicians have messed up a single time.  The song has more verses than it did before, I guess Eli finished it. The upbeat music stops but Dalton continues strumming the melody. To my shock, Zac starts to solo what I assume is the final verse. Eli joins in and the two of them harmonize beautifully. I am flabbergasted. Are they friends now?  I will not allow myself to cry! I refuse! Done enough if that for one life time. The upbeat music returns leading to the performance finale. I stand in silence as they all pause and stare at me anticipating my reaction.

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