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My name is Sarah Beverly Gordon, and I am a freshman in high school; although, the school year is almost over so I am basically a sophomore now. My boyfriend's name is Desmon Eli Alverez, he is also a freshman-almost-senior. He doesn't like the name Desmond so people call him Dez, but I call him Eli. It's our thing. I don't really like pet names and he doesn't either so we call each other by our second names. We've been together since middle school. To be honest, I didn't think we'd last this long; he is a social butterfly and loves being surrounded by people, loves sports and is loved by all. I, on the other hand, am a social outcast; I hate people, with the exception of my best friend Erica and Eli of course, I wouldn't run to save my life, and people seem to n hate me as much as I hate them. I mean, I'm not one of those people who hates everyone because they're toxic or untrustworthy or any of that. I don't like people for no particular reason, so I tend to come off as mean or stuck up when people talk to me, hence the reason most people hate me. I don't really mind not being liked by other people, I've never felt the need to be validated by my peers in any way. If I feel irritated by you, I won't hesitate to let you know, and if I like you, I'll also not hesitate to tell you. Most people tend to annoy me for some reason. Erica and Eli are the only people I've ever liked and we've been friends since grade school. In middle school I developed a crush on Eli and so I told him and, turns out, he felt the same way and we've been dating ever since. I even told Eli that I didn't think we'd last but he told me that he'd make us last despite the odds {cringe, i know}. Every day I fall for Eli more and more to a point where it's kind of irritating. I've told him this several times but he just laughs.

Right now I am going through my typical morning routine; preparing for school while listening to an indie rock playlist from YouTube. I pick out my clothes for the day; a plain black crop top, baby pink skirt and plain white ankle socks, from my drawers and throw them on. After modeling the outfit in front of my mirror, I conclude it looks perfect. I lift my pink leather school bag from the floor and carefully arrange my books and pencil case in the main pocket. In the smaller pocket, I throw in my lip gloss, hand cream and small packet of wet paper towels.

"I think that's everything...."

I mutter to myself then grab my headphones from my study desk and wear them on my neck. I shove my phone into my skirt pocket {yeah... my skirt has pockets} sling my backpack over my shoulder, grab my gym bag and stroll out of my room down to the kitchen.

"Morning Sarah!"

Mom hails with a wide smile on her face as I enter the kitchen. I can tell that she is making cinnamon pancakes because the delicious smell has filled the entire room.

"Morning mom."

I drop my bags at the foot of the kitchen island and head straight for the fridge in search of my water bottle that's filled with tasty, cold, blueberry ice tea.

"So... Prom is right around the corner..."

Mom announces out of nowhere as I reach for my water bottle in the corner of the fridge.


I deadpan as I wait for her to reveal her reasons for bringing up the cursed people filled event.

"Are you really going to make Dez go alone?"

Ace, my older brother, joins in.

I roll my eyes and pull myself out of the fridge with my bottle in hand then shut the door. I let out a sigh before turning to my mother and brother who are looking at me with pleading eyes, as if they're the ones being turned down for the dance.

"I am not making him do anything. He can do as he pleases and I will do as I please. If he goes alone that's because he wants to. He knows that I don't do crowds or parties or people in general."

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