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Eli and Erica have been exchanging weird looks since we left my place. They've been looking at me weird too.

"For crying out loud just say it already." I heave as we approach the school gate.

"What?" Erica asks

"You two have been dying to either ask or say something so... spill."

They glance at each other once more then Eli sighs before speaking.

"It's just... Ace seemed pretty upset about something when we walked into the living room. He actually seemed angry. Are you sure everything's cool?"

"Yes..." I huff, "Ace is just overreacting. He'll be fine."

We walk into the school with the other groups of students gathered at the entrance. Erica and Eli don't ask any further questions but it's obvious they are still worried. I decide to ignore their concern because no matter what I tell them they won't be convinced to just let it be.

Once inside the building, we head straight to our lockers. Eli's and mine are next to each other and Erica's is on the other side of the hallway because she didn't want to be more of a third wheel than she already is; her words not mine.

"So... I heard Jeanna is throwing a huge pool party this weekend, like an end of freshman year party" Erica starts as she walks over to us.

"Isn't that what prom is supposed to be?" I interrupt.

"Yeah... but prom has chaperons and no alcohol..."

It's weird how she says that like it's the worst possible occurrence. We're literally 15, 16 and 16.

"And?" I question and wait for her to clarify her reasoning.

"You're such a goody two shoes"

I think she meant to say that under her breath but I heard it clear as day.

"Bev isn't a goody two shoes, she just doesn't care for such things." Eli corrects in and the three of us start walking towards our homeroom

"True... I mean, what's so appealing about drinking or going to a party without adult supervision?" I add.

"Without adult supervision, we can do anything we want!" Erica tries to explain

"I do whatever I want whether under adult supervision or not..."

Eli snickers and Erica tilts her head back in surprise.

"Like I said, Bev isn't a goody two shoes." Eli concludes.

We finally reach our homeroom class and maneuver through the chaotic room to our assigned seats.


Nothing interesting happens throughout the day. I heard a few more students mention Jeanna's party though and it seems the entire grade will be there. Even more reason not to go. All those people squeezed into a single house? No way. Not to mention they'll all be drunk and stupid. Maybe I'm missing a vital area in my brain that's supposed to find it appealing.

Now it's finally time for club meetings, aka the only worth while time I spend in school. I change into my dance outfit and tie my hair into a messy ponytail. I leave the locker room and as I make my way to the dance studio, I bump into her highness herself, Jeanna, and her mindless minions. I try to quickly apologize for it, but I know better than to think Princess Petty is going to let me off the hook that easily. Out of everyone in the whole school, she hates me the most.

"Watch it Sarah!" She screeches

"Jeez Jeanna, you'll burst my eardrums." I complain.

She glares at me so I smile in return before attempting to move past her for the second time. She grabs my arm and digs her claws into the surface of my skin. I pause to process the idea that this girl has the audacity to touch me and even attempt to hurt me.

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