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"Okay, that's enough practice."

Zaccai and I both collapse to the floor once we hear those words. Tess and Mike are also tired but remain standing to prove they're better or something.

"Now, the four of you should rest up. I'm going to need you guy to be at 110% tomorrow."

"I don't think i have a 110%"

I let out, struggling to catch my breath.

"Sarah, if there's anyone on this crew who brings 110% at the least, it's you."

Tess snickers at Mrs Barlow's words after Mike lets out a, not so subtle, yeah right.

"Mike, Tess, whatever problems you have with your teammates, deal with them like grown up. Stop acting like five year olds. Speak up or Shut up."

I mimic Tess' snicker as I watch their smug expressions fade into irritated glares.

"It's not fair that you favour her so much Mrs Barlowe."

Tess starts

"I hardly call working me to the bone and never leaving me without a blister or bruise 'favoritism'. I mean, you can take my place if you want."

I tease.

"No one was talking to you Sarah."

Mike sneers

"Okay, If you're going to start throwing tantrums just get out and go hang out with the rest of the toddlers at the playground. I'm a dance instructor, not a babysitter."

Mrs Barlow's firm tone pushes them to leave, but I know I'm not getting away with this.

"Ugh...I'm this close to kicking those three off the team... If only they weren't good dancers."

"Don't get mad at them on my account... I really don't care"

I advice.

"Plus...they're all bark and no bite."

Zaccai joins in.

"Oh, they bite. It's a harmless but extremely annoying bite. Like Chihuahua's"

We all laugh at the mental image of Tess and Mike as chihuahua's.

"You two should leave to. Go relax and mentally prepare yourselves for tomorrow."

We get up and start walking out of the hotel gym studio.

"See you tomorrow Mrs B!"

Zaccai hails as we leave the room.


"So, what do you wanna do?"

"Uhm... rest, like Mrs Barlowe told us to do."

Zaccai turns to me with a brash expression.

"Come on, we're in a cool hotel with awesome facilities. You don't want to do anything?"


"Buzz kill."

"You can do as you please, i am going to take a shower then sit in a relaxing bath so that i am calm and relaxed tomorrow."

"But things aren't as fun without you."

"What's wrong with you?"


"You, what's wrong with you?"

"Jeez, you don't have to get so pressed, I wasn't trying to be pushy."


I stop in my tracks causing Dalton to stop a bit ahead before turning to face me.

BUBBLE POPPERजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें