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AFTER MIDTERMS- {First day of winter Break.}

"Ahhh! My baby's gonna be home with me for two whole weeks."

Mom exclaims after barging into my room, forcing me to wake up scared senseless. She jumps onto my bed and lies on top of my terrified self.

"Mom! What the heck are you doing?"

I ask as I struggle to wiggle out of her body slam.

"So, is that friend you brought over for a dance rehearsal coming to visit you? I really want to meet him!"

"We aren't friends and he probably has better things to do."

Actually, he probably doesn't have better things to do but i do.

"Well, Ace told me he said he will always consider himself your friend even if you refuse to be his. I think thats adorable."

He said what? That weirdo!

"That sounds like something a future stalker would say mom."

I point out as i manage roll out of the bed she had trapped me in.

"Maybe he has a crush on you..."

Mom casually lets out as she makes herself comfortable on my bed.

"Eww... no he doesn't. And even if he did, that his own fault and problem."

"You make it sound like falling for you is a crime."

"It should be."

"You know, i can't wait for the day I remind you about all this and make fun of  you when you'll be in a great, fun and heathy relationship with an awesome guy."

"Not gonna happen."

"Yeah... okay... you know who used to say that?"


"Oh heavens no. I've been a hopeless romantic my entire life. Your dad's the one who hated the mere idea of getting close to anyone."

"What?! I don't buy it. Dad's a total simp for you."

"He wasn't always. I was actually the one who asked him out first. He rejected me but we became friends and after a two years he finally asked me out."

"You agreed to be friends with dad even after he shot you down?"

"Yeah. He didn't want to be friends but i followed him around until he surrendered."

Sounds familiar. I sympathize with dad but history will not be repeating itself. I have Dad's antisocial tendencies and mom's stubbornness.

The doorbell rings and both mom and I instinctively shift our gazes towards my door.

"Who could that be?"

Mom thinks out loud.

"Better go get it."

Mom jumps off my bed and rushes out of my room to get the door. Sometimes I wonder if maybe, just maybe, she is part puppy. I plop back down on my bed and grab my phone from my night stand.

"It's already nine? Those midterms must've really drained me."

I open my phone and see 100+ unread messages. As usual, insults, threats and paragraphs. I open and start to read through them. A lot of them are about how I should stop clinging on to Dalton, and how I'm being too desperate for him. Puh-lease! As I scroll down, the insults become more... insulting. Or maybe I'm just becoming weaker. I never used to care about any of them before but these days when i read them i feel, not angry but... like i just want them to stop. My chest feels tight and their words echo aggressively in my mind. Before, I never felt anything, but ever since that night... Maybe it's because I was always sure there was someone who knew exactly what I'm like and loved me for it, but that night, all that went away. Anyway, no use dwelling on it now.

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