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After some unnecessary cardio, we stop before a huge gate with a man dressed in fancy clothes standing behind a podium. We approach slowly and the man calls for us to stop.

"This area is only accessible to VIP guests. May I see your VIP badges please?"

The attitude in his voice as he asks us for our passes triggers me but not enough for me to want to do anything about it.

Dalton pinned his badge on his jacket so he just points at it. The man inspects it with his eyes before giving an approving nod.

"And you Ms.?"

He arches his eyebrows at me with a bothered glare. I sigh before taking my badge out of my purse and subtly waving it at him. His eyes widen as he inspects my badge.

"Y.. you're Kiera Gordons daughter?!"

He stammers in shock.


I respond while shoving the pass, which had my name on it apparently, back into my purse.

"Oh my gosh! I am a huge fan. I love her designs!"

Is this magic show part of the secret events Dalton mentioned because this guys ability to make his attitude disappear without a trace is quite impressive.

"Kay... I'll let her know I guess."

Dalton and I start to walk past him but he grabs my wrist triggering me to turn back.

"Could you please arrange for me to meet her?! I have so much to ask her! I'm also a part time model so I was hoping to get a job with her."

This guy is getting on my nerves. I jerk my hand away from him and step back to ensure he doesn't touch me again.

"Listen dude, five seconds ago you were more than ready to kick me to the curb, infact, I'd say you were eager. Also, I'm not going to set my mom up to meet with some rando I met in a park. If you want to meet her, earn it. And finally, my mom isn't interested in people who post shirtless black and white pictures on Instagram then label themselves 'models', Kay?"

He stares at me in shock.

"Y... You follow my gram?"

He finally manages to say. I roll my eyes and walk away into the gate with Dalton following closely behind trying to contain his laughter.


The other side of the gate is like another world. I didn't think the amusement park could be any bigger but there are even more rides and activities on this side.

"I didn't know you are such a celebrity Sarah"

Dalton lets out as we walk deeper into the amusement park Narnia.

"My mom is a celebrity."

I correct.

"Yeah but people recognize you because you're her daughter"

"No, People only recognize me as her daughter."

" Is that why you shot that guy down so harshly?"

"He had the audacity to ask me for a favour after being such a douch before. Just because he's my mom's fan? Of course I wasn't going to let that slide."

Dalton scoffs at me but I am too mesmerized by how beautiful the secret area looks to care. There are better rides and booths on this side.

We arrive at the fireworks site where we find out the show doesn't start for another hour and thirty minutes.

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