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It's finally Saturday. The cold morning air  attacks the poor fragile skin on my cheeks.

"Why'd you pack so much stuff? You're just going to be there for a week, right?"

Ace whines as he carries my bag for me while we walk into my school.

"You're the one who offered to carry it, plus, I need all my different dance costumes and my clothes so..."

I feel my phone buzz and immediately pull it out to check if its another message from my mom. She's been checking up on me every five seconds. It's sweet but it needs to stop.


Just wanted to wish you a safe trip! Wish i could come with you. But I'll be cheering you on from the comfort of my bed by watching the competition live stream. Can't wait to watch you blow the judges away with your mad skills.

Oh... it's just Dez.


I look up to see Mrs Barlowe waiting at the school entrance.

"Mrs Barlowe?"

"You're the last one to arrive, that's unusual..."

"Sorry, my dad and mom were being dramatic and i had to listen to their list of Do's and Don'ts"

"Oh... I see. Well, no harm done."

I turn to Ace and stretch out my hand, cueing him to hand my bag over.

"I guess I'll see you in a week."

I state as he hands over my bag. Ace pulls me into a hug that i'm forced to endure because of his monster grip.

"Be safe, okay. Come back in one piece. And if anyone tries to hurt you or if anything happens, anything at all, just call me. I'll be there in a heartbeat."

"I'm going to L.A for a week to participate in a dance competition. You're acting like I'm being shipped off to a military red zone."

Ace releases me from his death grip and looks me in the eye.

"Promise me you'll be fine."

What's up with people and making me promise them weird stuff these days?

"Yeah, I promise."

"Good. See you in a week sis."

"See yah."


I observe the world from my window seat with my ear pods plugged into and allow my mind to wonder. Despite my most desperate efforts to think of something else, the topic of Dez and Zac is stuck in my mind. The sadistic mini me in my head just keeps alternating between replaying the memories of the time Dez and I kissed and when Zac had a breakdown in my room. Why am I fussing so much? Both of them are just idiots who don't deserve a second thought. Hormones really are a nuisance.


I turn my head to see Zaccai standing next to the empty seat beside me.

"Where are you going Zac?"

Audrey whines from one of the seats behind me.

"To sit with Sarah."

Well that was blunt. He plops down next to me and watches me with a smile.

"So, is there any particular reason you interrupted my peace and basically placed a bounty on my head?"

"I was getting bored..."

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