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The weekend is finally here. Mom has kept me on bed rest since the incident on Thursday. She didn't even allow me to go to school on Friday; which resulted in me receiving multiple texts and phone calls from both Desmond and Dalton, and refused me to practice the dance choreography. She even called our family doctor and he came to see me at home. But there was no new info, he just said what i already knew, that my blood sugar levels were low. Then he went on to lecture me about how I should be eating better and taking care of myself. Even referred me to a psychiatrist to be tested for anorexia. Why doesn't anyone understand that I'm fine! I just don't get hungry as much these days and sometimes I forget to eat, that's all there is to it.

I feel my phone vibrate under my pillow. Probably more insults and edited pictures of me {yeah, edited pis of me on animals and other unflattering stuff}. Well, let's see what they came up with today.


Hey Sarah! So, I was wondering if you want to hang out today.

I know a great place and it has great food so you'll have to eat something😁

Just as I am about to type no, mom barges into my room with an entire breakfast tray.

"Morning sweetheart!"

She hails as she carefully sets the tray down on my desk.

"You don't have to bring me breakfast to my room mom. I'm not even-"

"- do not say you're not hungry. You literally collapsed in school. You hadn't eaten anything in a day and a half because you 'weren't hungry' Mmh mmh... nope! Not today darlin'. You're going to eat and I'm going to watch."

"Fine, whatever, if it makes you happy I guess..."

I deadpan as i shift my focus back to my phone to reject Dalton's request.

"Who are you texting? I've literally never seen you text anyone."

Mom asks as she snatches the phone from my palms, leaving me staring at the empty space it used to occupy. She gasps as she slowly turns to me with wide excited eyes.

"Is this Zac?"

I heave and roll my eyes because I know she is going to make it a big deal.

"Yes mom, it is Dalton. No, we aren't friends. He is a stalker, if you couldn't tell from the name I saved him by. And I only have his number because we are dance partners and lab partners."

Mom makes a disappointed face before looking at the phone again.

"Why are you saying no to a hang out? He even searched for a place where you'd like the food so that he can be sure you're eating. He is so sweet. Are you really cold enough to reject such a sweet-"


There is a brief silence as mom waits for a sign that I feel guilty while I just stare blankly at her.

She finally lets out before she starts typing on my behalf.

"What do you think you're doing?"

I panic

"Aaaand sent."

I grab my phone back and see the horrid message she typed back.


Hey Zac! I would love to hang out today😊

Where should we meet?

I start laughing at message, feeling a little relieved

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