Chapter 6 [Yellow Flickering Embers]

Start from the beginning

Oobleck: "Dreadful, simply dreadful! Remember students, it is this exact type of ignorance that breeds violence among us as a society! Now, which one of you young scholar's can tell me what many theorists believe to be the turning point in the third year of the war?"

Weiss: "I can!"

Beryl: "Neeeeerd!"

Weiss: "Shut your trap!"

Oobleck: "Silence, Mister Roux! Miss Schnee, please continue."

Beryl: "okay damn..."

Uller: "Pfft!"

Weiss: "Ahem, the battle at Fort Castle!"

Oobleck: "That is correct! Can anyone tell the advantage the Faunus had over General Lagoon's forces?"

Cardin being the bitch of the class, and not the kind that will suck your dick in the school bathroom and is actually hot but the annoying fucktard that would fart into your AC while you're chilling on your bed, flicked a paper ball at Jaune's head, startling him from his life-reflecting moment and making him yell. This alerted the predator of the class, Oobleck. The two locked eyes and one could hear a slight whimper leave Jaune's lips.

Oobleck: "Mister Arc, finally contributing to class?! EXCELLENT! What is the answer?"

Beryl: -whispering- "They had catgirls."

Jaune: "What? Catgirls?"

Jaune's accidental answer wasn't as correct as he had hoped, even though he was technically correct, catgirls are Faunus. The entire classroom erupted into laughter, the loudest ones being Cardin, Beryl and Uller, although Beryl stopped due to Ruby and Pyrrha slapping the back of his head.

Oobleck: "Close but not quite right! Cardin! Perhaps you would like to share your thoughts on the subject?"

Cardin: "Well I know it's a lot easier to train an animal than a soldier."

Beryl: "That's why you failed elementary school."

Uller: "They probably didn't even fucking let him through the front gate. Massive creep vibes radiating from him."

Cardin: "What?! You got a problem, you tomato bitch?!"

Uller: "Problem? Nah, I have enough of those next to me here. What I do have is the correct answer: Night vision. Most Faunus are known to have nearly-perfect vision within the dark."

Blake: "General Lagoon was inexperienced and made the mistake of trying to ambush the Faunus in their sleep. His army was destroyed and he was captured."

Beryl: "Nerds, nerds everywhere."

Blake: "Perhaps if he paid attention in class he wouldn't be remembered as a failure."

Beryl: "Is that a personal attack-"


Oobleck: "Mister Winchester, please sit down. You and Mister Roux, and Mister Arc-"

Jaune: "Aww..."

Oobleck: "-Can all see me after class for additional readings."

Beryl: "Bullocks!"

Uller: "Fookin bri'ish?"

Oobleck: "MISTER ROUX!"

Beryl: "Cock."


Beryl: "Doctor Oobleck, I've come to bargain. Will you let me off the hook if I offer you this Kit-Kat bar?"

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