Chapter Thirty-five

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Fitting into my apartment wasn't going to happen - I couldn't even fit in the elevator to begin with. So I curled up in the underground parking garage with the tarp Dad used to use for the family car.

"Why didn't you bring your big blanket?" Mom asked.

"Too heavy," I replied simply. "Plus I'm only going to be here for a few short days."

"I had hopes you were coming, and eagerly awaited your return," she added.

I smirked. "Did you receive a letter?"

"Yes. From a nice guy named John who mailed it for his daughter. I saw the news too but had no idea it was you. Wait..."

I grinned with pride. "Yes, that was me who rescued Lily. I wrote the letter and got her to mail it to you." For the second time that day, I got crushed by hugs and moistened with tears.

"I'll try to leave work on time to attend the final few events of the big event at the park," she said, patting my shoulder and handing me my old pillow and beddings. "Love you always. Goodnight."

I gave her a big dragon kiss on the forehead and dozed off into a deep sleep, though not before filtering out the distant sounds of shocked drivers and elevator-goers. I smiled inside, hoping to greet them with a happy smile in the morning.

Some ten hours later, I was awoken to the sound of hushed voices which were promptly broken up by an indignant shout.

"BACK UP! BEAT IT! LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Abigail bellowed, waving her arm furiously.

I stretched awake and blinked to see my mom standing furiously at a group of teens and even some grown adults, all snapping photos and selfies with my sleepy form of a dragon. Some even had joints in their lips. No wonder my mom was fuming - and now I was incensed, too.

I gently unfurled my wings and slowly flexed them to ease out the tension within, then folded them back up and walked over, keeping my posture stiff and commanding.

"I need your phones, your skunk, and your narcissism," I demanded, trying to make my voice as close to Smaug's as possible.

"Buzz off," one of them muttered. I pursed my lips, breathed in sharply, and shot a slim pulse of fire at his head, deliberately missing by mere inches. The fireball hit the parking garage back wall and torched the paint, leaving a black scar.

Immediately they all stepped back as I returned the heat of my glowering gaze on their faces. Some fearfully handed their phones over. I navigated to the photos apps and deleted all the pictures they'd taken of me in my sleep. I handed back the phones with a smile, then delivered a final warning.

"Now GO. And have respect for others, or no one will respect YOU."

The group dispersed, muttering slightly. I returned to my sleeping parking spot and folded up the tarp, while Abigail set down a large plate of food - her largest salad bowl, filled up with hot spaghetti and drizzled with parmesan cheese.

"My word!" I gasped. "Did you spend all morning making this?"

"I sure sugar did. Only the best big breakfast for my big scaly boy," she replied proudly, giving me a sweet smooch on my forehead. I gave her a soft caress with my left wing and sat down to eat, using a steak fork and a large cooking spoon. It was hot and delicious, and I ate it all. Then my mom came back with three muffins and three tall glasses of water. I proceeded to eat and drink those, too.

"Feel better?" she asked as I sipped the last glass.

"As full as I should be," I replied satisfactorily. "Thanks so much for the food. Gee, didn't realize how much my appetite had expanded since the first day."

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