Chapter Twenty-four

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A cave felt like the perfect home for me. Not only would any worries about the rain and wind be put to rest, but I could also have lots of space to move around without hitting anything. Not to mention being out of the territory of any dangerous animals.

I flew down towards the entrance in a smooth, gradual curve, so as to avoid having to brake hard before touchdown. With the closest trees being a good twenty to forty meters away from the cave, I was able to make a smooth and safe landing.

With increased confidence, thanks in part to the goshawk, I checked the rope knot on my arm, folded my wings, and entered the cave. The midday sun shone down overhead, so the light entering the cave was minimal. I gulped as I strode further into the blackness that lay beyond the sunlight's boundaries.

"Hello?" I called out in a low voice. "Anyone here?"

The only answer I got was a shaky-sounding replay of my own voice – a clear echo. I tilted my head and stood dead still, listening for the slightest sound. Nothing came. Still unsure of my surroundings, I continued walking until I bumped into the back of the cave. Reaching out with my arm, I used my fingers to "trace" the interior, walking closely alongside the walls and adjusting myself by bump-and-feel.

The cave was in the shape of a Santa stocking, only with a slightly narrow entrance that gradually widened up to the midpoint. Then it curved towards the left at an angle of roughly 35 degrees, before promptly coming to a narrow, rounded end.

At the back and near the entrance, the walls were slightly soft, and the otherwise hard rock that they were made of had little holes and slits, clearly caused by erosion.

The floor, while covered by scattered tiny pointy stones, wasn't too painful, and I was able to walk over it without much pain. I did feel one or two pricks, but my tough dragon skin dealt with most of the rough stone like a boss.

With not a single creature in sight, I made my statement, loud and clear.

"This is my new home!" I announced, raising my voice, though not yelling at the same time. "I hereby claim this cave as the residence of Maverick the dragon. From now on, here I will live my life."

As I used my hands and feet to brush away a few small stones to settle down near the entrance and untie the rope holding the bags to my back, it dawned upon me that my big declaration might actually have attracted unwanted attention. Really smart, dolt.

Glancing out the entrance occasionally to ensure no one was trying to creep up on me, I shook the bags off my back and started unpacking. In one of the duffel bag's side compartments I felt something hard and bumpy and...thin. Reaching in, I pulled it out to discover a black flashlight. I spun it in my hand and noticed a branding on the side: Shadowhawk.

"Neat." I set it by the wall and flicked the switch. The whole cave lit up like a concert hall, as if the sun itself had come down from space, shrunk itself, and floated inside the cave. It was so brightly lit!

Excited that I could now see clearly inside the cave, I gathered some of the small stones into a little pile and placed the flashlight on top of it, facing the rear of the cave. Now there would be no need to feel my way after entering.

Having my home lit up and internally visible made it easier to get the other tasks done. I lifted up my bags and trudged to the very back of the cave to continue my housework.

I took out the radio and solar generator and placed them by the left wall near the cave mouth, which would serve as my "living room". The solar chargers would also be placed there, while the satellite phone would stay in its charging dock at the very back of the cave, which I planned to use as my sleeping quarters. There, I neatly stacked up my favorite books which Jack had given to me as a gift.

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