Chapter Twenty

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"I really do hope you know the level of danger you're putting yourself in," I said with a displeased low throat growl.

"Trust me bro," Jack replied, only half-glancing at me from his position at the wheel. "It will work. But you must keep a low profile. If anyone sees you, it's all over."

I nodded and kept my head low to the ground. Considering my size, getting into the car had been a challenge. However, Jack got around the problem by removing everything in the trunk and folding down one of the rear seats. Then he got me to lie down as low as possible, draping a black tarp over me to make it less conspicuous. His Subaru hatchback already had a roof rack, so I strapped the duffel bag on top to add to the public eye's hopeful oblivion.

My hands, arms, shoulders, neck, and head extended out on top of the folded-down seat, while my bulk, wings, and tail took up the rear. Our idea was that the public would think Jack would just be taking a nice camping trip in the mountains with a lot of excess baggage.

"How's it going?" I whispered, trying not to shift around due to discomfort. If the public (or worse, the police!) saw the "excess cargo" moving about, they'd interrogate Jack – and we'd be busted.

"Good so far," came Jack's response. "We're coming up to the highway to reenter the main city, and I'll stop at a certain store where we'll meet up with Melanie and Cody. Then we'll all travel to the Sierra Nevada Mountains."

"Sounds good," I thought, dozing off as the boxer engine's roar started sounding smooth and rhythmic upon acceleration onto the highway.

The ride took a lot longer than I expected, considering the fact that it was a Saturday morning – the time when you least expect a traffic jam or a major accident blocking two lanes. Yet we encountered both on our drive to the city, slowing progress and killing valuable time.

"I just don't understand you guys or where you all come from all of a sudden," Jack grumbled for the thousandth time as we swerved in between traffic, which resulted in my body jostling about. More than once he forgot to switch on his indicator lights.

"Slow it down!" I hissed. "I'm shaking all over the place! Um, conspicuous?"

"I'm on it," Jack responded, finally finding a lead in the maze of cars and flooring it, slamming my back legs and tail against the tailgate with a knobby-sounding thump.

I rolled my eyes and snorted. My best friend sure was a respective driver.

My emotional remark was busted moments later when we encountered a larger jam upon entering the city. Instead of swerving, Jack switched lanes constantly at a lower speed, snatching every possible highway position to advance forward.

Just when I had fallen asleep due to utter boredom in the back of the Subaru, it jolted to a stop, then there was a click and a slam. I rubbed my eyelids and looked up. Jack had left the vehicle – with the keys still in the ignition.

I frowned. "Where are you going? To fetch them? I thought they'd be ready and waiting."

Not wanting to be seen, I hunkered down again, and waited patiently for my friend to return. I wanted to see exactly where I was – but couldn't risk the possibility of somebody spotting a dragon head peering through the window of a Subaru.

I was about to reconsider my situation when the side door opposite to me opened, and in hopped Melanie.

"Hey, sweetheart," I whispered.

Melanie's eyes bulged with sheer joy. "Mav, my angel!" she exclaimed, leaning over and hugging my neck, almost sliding right off the seat.

"It's good to see you too," I replied, stroking her smooth black hair with my large horns. "But remember, I'm undercover, so keep that in mind."

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