Chapter 23: The Beach House

Start from the beginning

"No fuck that. Give me my kiss." He demanded before crashing down his lips on mine, making me sigh into the kiss. Tyrant.

I felt his tongue glide on my lower lip and I opened my mouth to give him access and he groaned out before breaking the kiss. "Now that's what I call a good morning kiss" He said grinning.

"Get up baby, I have something planned for us today." He says before dragging me up from my sleeping position. "Where are we going?" Surprised from the sudden...surprise.

"That's for me to know and you to find out. What you do get to know is that you need to get up and shower, we're going to have breakfast and then we have a whole day planned out for us." He says, standing up and offering me his hand.

I grinned and took his hand, pulling myself up and circling my arms around his neck. "We do now, do we?" I teased, standing on my tippy toes and giving him a kiss. He groaned into the kiss and kissed me deeper. Leaning down and picking me up, making me circle my legs around his waist. His hands found their way onto my ass and gives it a firm squeeze. I felt him walking but wasn't really paying attention, my brain was totally focused on making out with my mate. And suddenly a sharp sting on my ass was enough for me to break the kiss with a yelp.

"Ow Hunter! What the fuck?" I scowled. He grinned before putting me back on the ground. "Shower time baby." He just said before leaving and closing the door behind him. That asshole carried my ass into the bathroom.

"Jerk" I mumbled out before starting my business.

After breakfast Hunter took my hand and brought us out of the castle. I was nervously glancing around me, afraid that someone will see him holding my hand. He must've felt my discomfort through the bond and looked at me.

"Baby relax, no one's going to see us and if they do they work for me. Everyone in this palace signed an NDA, nothing will be said about what they saw here beyond these walls. They know what will happen if they do." His last sentence making me scowl, of course he's going to threaten their life.

"You're a tyrant." I said, making him laugh.

"I'm your tyrant." He smiled, looking at me. His words making me smile as well. I'll take him any way I can, tyrant or not.

We arrived at his sleek black DBS. This thing could probably feed my whole village for a month by the looks of it. I eyed the beast when my tyrant open the passenger door for me, signaling me to get in, so I slid into the soft leather seat. The opposite door opened and Hunter slid in before taking my seatbelt and buckling me up and doing so to himself.

"Ready baby?" He asked before turning the car on and the beast roared to life.

I laughed at his excitement, "As I'll ever be." His grin couldn't be any wider and he took off down the road, leaving the palace behind us, alongside his duties as king. For now he's not King Aros, king of the were clan, he was Hunter, my mate.

It's been a solid hour and a half since we left the palace and we're still zooming down the road. "Where exactly are we going again?" I asked, was this going to be a long ride? I was starting to get slightly hungry. It would've been nice if he did say so next time, it's nice to have something to snack on on the road.

"Our conversation last night made me realize just how shitty of a mate I've been. I know I said I had duties towards my kingdom but I've completely neglected my duties to you," he paused, his jaw clenching slightly, "So I decided to just take the day off today and make it about you and me. A date." He said, smiling a little bit and glancing my way for a second before snapping his eyes back on the road.

His words moved me greatly. He was trying and that was something I greatly appreciate. I knew he had a packed schedule, he must be exhausted too. Instead, he chose to spend time with me.

"Thank you" I said softly, making him turn his head towards me. Before nodding at something next to me, making me turn my head.

I was at awe at the view. The ocean looked like it was sparkling because of the sun, it spread vast and wide. "We're going to the beach?" I asked excitedly, practically bouncing in my seat.

Hunter laughed at my childish giddiness, "yes love, we're going to the beach." He said smiling. We pulled up into a beautiful beach house a few minutes later, making me glance around looking for someone, an owner.

"We're alone here baby, just you and me. This is the royal vacation house. So basically, it's mine, and now it's yours too." He said unbuckling before getting out of the car and going towards my side, opening the door. My tyrant still believes in chivalry.

"Hunter this is absolutely gorgeous." I said stepping foot out of the car and looked around for a better view. The modern beach house had 2 floors, it was painted white and on the large porch was 2 hanging daybed that allows you to enjoy the ocean view while relaxing. The sound of a car door slamming shut snapped me out of my thoughts.

Hunter came back from the back of the car with a picnic basket in hand and 1 large suitcase. Why would we need...

"We're staying here??" I blurted out, positively shocked that we're able to leave the palace for more than a day.

Hunter nodded at my question and nodded towards the house, "Lets get inside and unpack, we'll be staying here for 2 days. Don't worry about school, Jeremy's called in for you. It's just you and me now baby." He smiled that smile I love, and I squealed in delight over the news. I literally bounced my way into the house and was very much impressed with the interior design of this place.

"Thank you thank you thank you thank you!!" I said before launching myself at Hunter, making him drop the suitcase from one hand to hold me by my waist. He nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck before inhaling my scent, making me do the same to him.

We stayed there for a few minutes just holding each other, enjoying the company of our mate before he pulls away. "Let's go, we have a picnic to go to." He says, making me smile more.

Life cannot get any more better right now.

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