14 | Mystery girl

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"Thanks for lunch Haeun." Jimin smiled, and sat down beside his cousin.

Haeun smiled back. "Don't only thank me, Jimin. Jungkook helped me with making the food."

Jimin's eyes widened slightly and his attention turned to Jungkook, who had a small smile on his face. "Thank you, your highness." He did a small bow.

Jungkook's small smile turned forced. He honestly didn't like Jimin. That guard was acting like Haeun's lover. That guard replaced him. Jimin got to do all the things Jungkook did before. That filled Jungkook with jealousy, anger and sadness.

But Jungkook tried to be polite, so he nodded.

"Let's eat, I'm starving." Hoseok immediately began eating, the others doing the same.

The main chef nodded and started to eat the food herself. Haeun was enjoying the food so much, that she didn't notice that some of the oil from the bacon spread all over her lips.

However, Jimin noticed. He let out a small chuckle before taking a napkin in his hand. "You're so messy, Haeun." Jimin laughed, wiping the mess off her face.

"Thanks, I didn't notice." Haeun laughed and began eating again.

You didn't notice at that time either, Haeun. Jungkook's eyes were trained at Haeun, sorrow visible in his doe eyes. No one noticed his sadness.


"Wah! This is amazing!" Jungkook said, eating the carabonara in ecstacy.

Haeun chuckled before eating some herself. However, she didn't realise that a small amount sauce spread on her chin as she ate it.

Jungkook turned his attention to Haeun, noticing the small mess on her chin. He smiled at how silly she looked. She ate with her cheeks full, it reminded Jungkook of a small squirrel.

The prince slowly leaned towards her, and she noticed the sudden closeness. "JK, why are you so close?" She felt his soft breathing as he was close.

"You're cute." He commented, wiping her small mess off with his thumb. He leaned back to his seat and sucked off the sauce, making a small sound. Jungkook then continued to eat his steaming food, like nothing happened.

End of flashback

At least I've become her her friend, Jungkook thought and smiled.


The bright sun blinded Haeun's eyes as she watered the garden flowers. She was peacefully watering the flowers, when she noticed a red flower. It reminded her of the dark red carnations she had bought for JK.

She immediately brought out her cellphone and checked her emails.

No new emails.

She let out a disappointed sigh. Did he forget about me?

"Haeun." Hearing her name being called, she turned her head, only to see Sunhee walking towards her. Haeun quickly put her phone back in her pocket and bowed.

"Yes, Sunhee?" Haeun bowed, a tight smile plastered on her face.

"You're distracted at work?" Sunhee softly asked, her one brow raised.

"I'm apologize, Sunhee. I was checking my emails. I will continue to water the plants." Haeun bowed again, suddenly becoming nervous.

"I'm sorry too." Sunhee said, which made Haeun look up at her in confusion.

Dark Red Carnations | JJKTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon