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Small bells rang of the door being pushed, which alerted the cashier. "How may I help you?" The cashier smiled, making Haeun smile back.

"Could you show me some red flowers?" Haeun asked, walking towards the cashier. "Of course."

"Who do you want to give the flowers to?" The cashier asked, smiling a polite smile.

"My boyfriend, I want to give him a gift." She smiled, hiding a sad expression.

"Ah." The cashier nodded in understanding before going over to some red roses. "What about these? The red roses are really popular these days."

"Hmm..." Haeun thought abit before answering. "Aren't those kind of overused though?"

The cashier stood back in thought before she thought of the perfect flower. "What about these?" The cashier pointed at some dark red carnations.

Haeun looked at them in interest. "What do those mean?"

"They mean admiration and missing another."

Haeun took one of the red flowers in her hands. They're perfect. "I'll take these then." She brightly smiled.

I bet he'll love these.

The cashier walked to the counter and swiftly made a bouquet. Haeun went to the counter and pulled out her old wallet.

She rummaged through her wallet and found a few coins and dollar bills. She used them to pay and walked out the flower store.

Next stop, the hospital.


The white halls were different. Very different. To Haeun, it looked much cleaner. But the smell was awful. Toxic. Every patient around here seemed fake. They kept talking to eachother with the most fakest laughter Haeun has heard.

Haeun's nose scrunched at the toxic smell. Yeah, she definitely liked the yellow halls more.

"Next!" The receptonist yelled. A small 'ding' was heard. "Number 97!"

Haeun looked down at her white post-it note. 97. It was her turn.

The girl walked towards the recepionist with a polite smile on her face. "Hello. What can I do for you?" The receptionist asked, her eyes glued to the screen infront of her.

"Hey, I was just wondering if Park Jimin had stopped by here?"

"Park who?" The reseptionist questioned, now looking at Haeun.

"Park Jimin." Haeun answered with confidence.

The receptionist began writing on her keyboard as Haeun stood there patiently. They stood like this for a couple of minutes.

'She's taking forever.' Haeun thought as she stood there.

"We have never had a patient named Park Jimin here." The receptionist informed.

"What? What do you mean? He said his name was Park Jimin and he stayed here."

"Well, he lied. NEXT!" The receptionist yelled so loud, making Haeun startled.

Did he lie about everything?


"Haeun, why do you look do down?" Haeun's mother asked as Haeun walked to the livingroom. The mother and daughter were in Haeun's apartment. The apartment Haeun never got the chance to use.

Dark Red Carnations | JJKDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora