26. Breathe

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Jacob's face lit up. "He is great! I'm so happy he knows now! And he isn't even angry at us anymore. He is stuck for the moment as a wolf. He'll phase back in a couple days though."

I smiled lightly, then bit my lip. "And Embry?"

Jacob sighed. "Not bad, but not good. He's terrified. He doesn't want a Leah situation to happen with him."

A tear ran down my face and Jacob was by my side in a flash. "Hey, they'll work it out. It will be okay."

I tried to pull away but he held me still. "But it is my fault. I shouldn't have tried to get them to talk. Nina took it terribly and just left and I don't know what to do."

Jacob gave a low rumble. "No. This is not your fault. He didn't imprint on her and that is just the case. You had nothing to do with it. It would have happened eventually."

A few more tears spilled over. "But everything is ruined now."

Arms tightened around me and I leaned into his chest. "Everything is fine. Embry is no worse off now than he was. Believe me, I could see it. He is just determined never to look another girl in the eyes again. He still loves Nina. And she will come around. Quil is happy to have his friends back, and so are the rest of us. Can't you see? This isn't a bad thing."

I wiped my eyes. "You're sure?"

Jacob scoffed. "Course I'm sure."

He gently released me. "You have a bad habit of taking things upon yourself. So stop. It isn't your responsibility to look out for their emotions. Also, I think you are a little overwhelmed at the moment, so I get it."

I kept my arms loosely around his waist. He wasn't wearing a shirt as usual and somehow he had gotten shorts again. The warmth of his body quickly transferred to mine as I held him and I felt a little sheepish.

"You're right. I'm sorry. It's just so hard right now. When'd you get so smart?" I mumbled.

Jacob hugged me again. "I've always been smart. You just have been smarter before this."

"I think that was an insult, but I'm too tired to care."

"What's wrong? Really? I can feel your distress, literally." Jacob pulled me over to the Rabbit and set me down on the hood.

I closed my eyes. "I hate Edward Cullen."

He snorted. "Tell me about it. We all do."

I just moaned. "I hate him for what he did and I'm so angry at Bella for going back to him and I hate feeling this way."

Jacob sighed. "I don't know what to tell you. I don't like the situation either, but maybe... maybe try and see things from her view?"

I nodded dully.

"Come on. You need sleep, I need sleep, and then tomorrow I wanna show you something." Jacob tugged me off the car and to the house and I allowed him to guide me through the dark.

My heart felt lighter after talking to Jacob, but I didn't argue when he made me eat some supper and told me to take the bed. Jacob got out the old mattress and set it beside his bed.

Before sleeping, Jacob gave me a quick kiss after making sure Billy wasn't looking and then lay down on his mattress. Because of his high temperature he didn't even use a blanket, and I had four on me. It was so unfair. I closed my eyes and drifted off.

In the morning I woke before Jacob did. He was so busy with patrols that he slept anytime he could. And yesterday he had barely gotten any sleep.

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