Everything is Right

Start from the beginning

He pulls out his wallet, handing her five dollars, "Stay right by Shad, okay? I trust her the most."

A wide grin spread across Karla face, as she wraps her Dad in a hug, "Yes! Thank you Daddy!"

She runs off, chasing after the teenagers who keep a close eye on both Cedric and Karla.

Percy looks over at us, "That was weird. Our kids are going shopping together."

I mumble, "Karla hates shopping."

Will nods, "I think she's realizing that she will be accepted into the youth group instead of the children's group when she turns tweleve and that this will help her in future bonding time."

That's how it had worked with all our children. Nearly as soon as Bradley and Shadow had turned twelve, they got a little odd. Well, not odd, but they matured a good deal. And when Byron turned twelve shortly after them, Bradley and Shad hung out with him more and he matured too. Ever since then, Brad, Shad and Byron had been inseparable. Cedric was next in line to turn twelve and then it was Karla. It was then that the older children would see her as mature and let her join in on the older kid things. So, yes it was really weird.

I look at Will, "I guess everything is turning out right in the world."

He sighs, pulling me into his shoulder, "I guess it is."

: : : : :

Karla Jane Poulter grew up too fast for my liking. Soon she was in high school, then college, again, following my footsteps and attending Harvard. She got married, had kids and a successful career. She acted half the time, and the othwr half, she was a personal fitness trainer to other celebrities. I couldn't have been more proud.

Karla proved to be more difficult as a teenager. Stubborn and head strong. Her temper flared very easily, so we often tried to do our best to make sure she never exploded. She ended up being very physically strong, and she put that to use by joining kick boxing, which also got some of her anger and aggressive nature out.

She was insanely athletic (like me) only she took athleticness to the next level. She climbed mountains, and went skydiving, she went deep sea diving and was pretty much the ulminate dare devil. She ended up being pretty bad ass. She has an unusual amount of psycical energy, great recuperative power, and robust constiution, which especially helps with the certain lifestyle she lives.

She was by no means moderate. She was either very supportive or bitterly against something, so that no force or argument could sway her. She was just a natural fighter, ready to pick up at any moment and argue. "War on any provocation" is a good way to describe her.

She was sarcastic and quick witted, so everyone generally liked her because she was funny. She had been able to teach herself self-control early on, which was a big plus. She was straightforward and frank - being completely honest with everyone.

She was superb at taking care of herself, and I can count the times she's ever asked for help on one hand. She probably ended up being smarter than me, especially in mechanical matters.

And then there was Will and I. I retired a few years after the required age. I'd loved my work, and I enjoyed it, but it was just getting tiring. My eyesight wasn't as good and it was hard to see the floor plans for parks, and buildings. When I retired, I had to find a new hobby. I couldn't really do soccer anymore, so I went for long walks and I read. TV wasn't much of an interest to me either. I couldn't cook and I was by no means crafty. But one thing I did enjoy doing, was looking at old pictures and making photo scrap books. I had them categorized from the year Will was born (since he's older than I am) to now. They went through both of our school years and married years, parenting years and the college years of Karla. So one day she could look back at her parents pictures and know that we lived a good life - although it was hard and there were ups and downs, but love never failed us. And it never would.

As for Will, he kept on acting. Never quit, even as he got older. He loved what he did. And he quite enjoyed playing old crazy men. He was good at playing crazy young people, but he excelled at crazy old. And Will never changed much either. Over the years, we got into a habit, where every morning I would wake up, start the coffee, and then go get in the shower. Then he would wake up, smell the coffee and come take it off the stove, afriad the coffee would burn and set the house on fire. I would then get out of the shower and come in where he would say, "You're going to burn the house down one day, ace." He did that everyday till I died. And then every morning he'd get up, make the coffee and say, "I wouldn't mind if you'd come burn the house done now." But I never did burn the house down.

It was a long life. It was a happy life. And every time I look back at my life, I realize how fast it passed by. How very unfair that is. How very cruel that you can't realize how fast your life is really moving while you're living it. You don't realize til it's gone and you're old and gray, trying to figure out something you can still do when you have a bad hip. But you think back to the days when you were hurt, or you were happy, and you remember prom and your wedding. You remember giving birth, those late nights with a baby, those first steps, and sending your child to school. And as you look back, it doesn't seem quiet as long, because the memories are still fresh. But mostly, you remember the loving feeling. And most of all, I remember loving Karla and Will. How Will and I were never " just friends". How deep and thoughtful his eyes were and continued to be his whole life. There was a story in our eyes when we looked at each other. Even at eighty years old, it seemed like nothing changed at all.

It still feels like yesterday.


Oh, dang.

I suck at goodbyes.

I can't say goodbyes, they're too sad.

So, i'm just going to say goodnight.

But before I go, I'd like to offer a few things up -

First - the last daily questions!

If no one was paired up, who would you ship together?

Who do you ship the hardest out of all the real pairs?

Second- I based the character, Sidney, off my cousin, Dori. HI DORI!!!!! Anyway, Dori just got a Wattpad a couple weeks ago, so she's still new. She's planning on writing books soon, so if you guys could follow wierdldori, that would be AWESOME!!!!! (Love you Doors!) Dori also makes guest appearances on my Snapchat, so you'll get to know her more there.

Third- and I'm sure this is the one everyone is looking forward to the most is the name of my next book. Like I said, it's going to be a Dylan O'Brien fan fiction because I'm a nerd. So the name of my next book is..........Willa McElrie! (Which has been posted -GO READ IT O.O)

You'll never guess what it's about! *sarcasm*

So to those of you who asked if I was doing a Dilla fan fiction - yes. Yes, I am. :-)

Fourth - be sure to follow me!!!!! On Wattpad, Instagram and Snapchat!

Snapchat: sunnycoolkid

Wattpad is kind of obvious.

But PLEASE follow me, because I love you people and I like having followers, so, YAY!

And fifth and final - I will be doing a playlist chapter, which I will be adding on here, as a next chapter, and the before Wills, so don't leave me JUST yet , there are five more chapters of before Will to come (of course Will won't be in them, but Sidney will.)

So, here I am, saying goodnight! I hope to see you guys in some of my other stories!

-Sunny :-)

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