Chapter 30

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~ Jaxon ~


He raises a hand to his lips in anticipation of whatever exclamations I might make.

"Shh, not here. The real Inquisitors aren't far behind, and we best be out of here before they show up. Where's Sylas?"

"Somewhere safe, hopefully."

Nic raises his brows at me, his bald head gleaming in the orange glow of the sodium-vapor lamps that light the path.

"Hopefully doesn't cut it right now, muffin. He's in danger — you both are. We—"

"I know. Ava's paintings are Spelled, but we took care of that."

Nic's hand closes on my upper arm, gripping hard enough to hurt.

"Jaxi, shut up and listen to me. Ava's a distraction. She's the... the salad before the main course, or... or the boring meal you only eat to get to dessert. She's—"

Yumi rolls her eyes and takes over. "What he's trying to say is that she and her paintings are a part of something larger than some dumb stunt to shock society and make headlines. She may not even know she's been manipulated. You have, too."

"What do you mean?"

She shakes her head, the light catching on the silver piercings in her lip and brow. "Not now. We need to find Sylas and dip. Where is he?"

I pull out my phone and call his number, but it goes to voicemail. Biting back a curse, I send a short, urgent text instead.

"I don't know. He left, and I'm the last person he wants to talk to right now," I say. "Maybe Rel can try."

I pull up his number, but Nic grabs my arm again and stops me before I can complete the call.

"Best hold off on that, buttercup. At least until you've got the whole picture."

With a sinking feeling, I pocket my phone.

He lets me go. "Now, any idea where pretty-boy might have gone?"

Guilt chews at me as I realize he'd have few options. "I don't know. A café, maybe. Or he might have called a ride home to... get his things."

Yumi sighs. "You done some dumb shit again, haven't you?"

"Yeah, probably."

Absently, I touch my Sign, tucked in its little leather sheath up my sleeve. Somehow, Nic notices the gesture, and joins Yumi in a sigh.

"Oh, Jaxi. Not the knife again."

"I thought I was protecting him."

"Uh-huh. Well, let's skedaddle, and we'll look for him on the way."

Nodding my agreement, I follow him to the back of the building, where a footpath cuts through a park-like part of campus. Yumi brings up the rear, and the three of us move with practiced stealth. In a small lot next to an outlying lecture hall, usually reserved for faculty and staff, Nic leads me to a nondescript utility van — much like the one he used to drive, but with no candy painted on the side, fortunately.

The interior has been modified, and from the food wrappers, sleeping bags, and camping equipment in the rear, I understand that this is where Nic and Yumi have been living for the last month and a half.

Yumi climbs in the back, letting me sit up front with Nic. I sniff, and then decide to ignore my sense of smell.

Nic gets in and starts the engine, but remains tense and alert as he backs out and drives slowly along an access road that connects to a side street. He checks his mirrors frequently and only relaxes when he's certain we haven't been followed.

Ink & QuillOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora