Chapter 25

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~ Sylas ~

"What's it do?" Jaxon asks, examining the spelloscope with obvious distaste. We're sitting in a secluded booth in a small pizza shop, waiting for our order, and I've just explained Edwards's strange gift.

"It reveals spells—makes them visible, even if they aren't active yet. Try it."

He raises the spelloscope to his eye and scans the shop. Shrugging, he hands it back to me. "I don't see anything."

I give it a try, too, but he'fs right. The shop remains dark.

"Well, spells aren't everywhere, even in Harbor City," I allow. "This shop isn't even owned by Crafters, right?"

Jaxon taps the center of his chest, where his protective amulet lies concealed beneath his shirt. "Look at me."

I obey, but he's right; my view remains dark.

"It worked perfectly in Edwards's office," I say, disappointed and chagrined. I'd been hoping the spelloscope would act as a positive counterpoint to the rest of what I meant to say.

"Well, it's not working now," Jaxon growls, and sips the beer he'd ordered while we wait.

He sets the glass on its coaster with care, like a delicate spacecraft touching down for a tricky landing, then stares at it unhappily.

"You're done working for that guy," he says. "I don't want you seeing him again."

If only he'd said it any other way, I'd have agreed; it's what I mean to do anyway, but his tone puts me off.

"Jaxon, I can—"

"What? Take care of yourself?" He raises his brows, and I shut up, stung into silence.

He rubs the back of his head and sighs. "Look. It's not just that he's a creep and I don't like him—although that's true. It's that... well, he's done this before."

"Done what before?"

He waves his hand at me impatiently. "You're not his first 'assistant.' He's had two others, and he spread the same rumors about them as he has about you."

"What rumors?" I know well enough, but I hadn't thought it went beyond his colleagues.

"You're gonna make me say it? Fine. That you let him fuck you for grades, or because you're easy, or desperate, or whatever."


He waves at me again. "I know it's not true, and that's not what bothers me. It's the pattern, Sylas. Your predecessors were both shy, friendless young men. Edwards made sure they stayed that way, ostracized by their peers and looked down upon by the other professors. When he was done with them, they dropped out of college, disgraced, and disappeared."

"I don't follow," I say, crossing my arms.

Jaxon waits while a server passes our table with someone else's order. When she's out of earshot, he continues.

"I tried to look them up. Got their names from Student Services and had Aurelio run a check. They didn't just disappear. They're missing."


"That's the sad part," he says. "They were both estranged from their families on account of their 'lifestyle choices,' and had come to Harbor City for a fresh start—got into the college on scholarships. They had no friends or connections here, and Edwards got to them before they had the chance to make any. When they disappeared, nobody reported them missing, because almost nobody noticed they were gone; those who did notice didn't care enough to find out where they went."

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