Chapter 37

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~ Jaxon ~

As I approach the sphere, Sylas's expression shifts from vindictive triumph to confusion, to recognition, and finally to the beginnings of fear. His concentration broken, his hold on me lessens, the pull diminishing to a warm ache of longing at my core.

I glance back at the others. Marcus and Aurelio still kneel, dazed, while Lyssa desperately studies Sylas's spell.

Turning back to him, I raise my hands.

"Sylas — stop this. Aurelio's not our enemy. Marcus isn't either. We're here to help."

If he can hear me, he gives no sign. His eyes are wide, his face pale, but he seems more himself than he did a moment ago. He glances down at Edwards and his expression turns to horror.

I step forward, and he looks up at me, apparently terrified. I see my name on his lips, and the word, "no." I can't hear him any more than he can hear me, and I realize the sphere must be acting as a barrier of some kind.

Ducking inside the curving metal bands, I press my hands to the sides of my head as a hum like a swarm of gigantic bees assaults my ears. The structure is alive with power, so charged with magical energy that the hairs on my arms stand on end. Now that I'm inside it, I understand: the whole thing is a seal — a spell — and Sylas is its heart.

Sylas, and the strangely shaped stone over which he stands.

I move towards him, hands outstretched, and his face contorts with pain and fear.

"Sylas — it's okay now. You can stop. We're here to—"

"Stay away from me!" The words tear from his lips on a scream, and I halt, struck through with pain.

"I'm not gonna hurt you," I say, keeping my voice soft.

Tears shine in his eyes. "Not you. Me." His breath catches on a half-stifled sob. "I can't. I can't stop it, Jaxon. It's too strong now. I can't—"

His eyes flare red again and he gasps. The pull within me follows his indrawn breath, my desire intensifying like a fire fueled by gasoline. I go to him, unable to resist, and take him in a jealous kiss.

Edwards kissed these lips, so sweet and soft, and all I can think of is to erase all trace of him, and reclaim what's mine. Sylas trembles in my arms, melting like warm honey as he drinks me in, and I give myself easily; I'm his Ink, and he can take all he needs from me.

As he draws on my desire, though, I sense something different — something dark and hungry at his core. Something that could swallow me whole and still want more. A little spark of fear lights along my nerves, and I begin to understand his terror.

He pushes me away, regaining a sliver of control. It's obviously an effort, though, and I see the black-hole darkness behind the blood-red of his eyes.

"It's the stone," he whispers, "and the seal. I can't break the connection, and I can't stop myself. I'll drain you dry, like Edwards. Marcus and Aurelio, too. Even Lyssa. You've got to get them away from here. Away from me."

"I don't think I can. Not while you've got a hold on them."

"I can't let go." His breath catches and his hands tighten on my arms. "You've got to stop me. Please."


A look of immense pain fills his eyes, but his words surprise me.

"I love you, Jaxon."

"I know." I smile with relief.

He swallows, and grasps handfuls of my shirt as he kisses me again. I taste tears on his lips.

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