Shen Yuan shook her head with a small smile on her lips. " It may be a bit for you. But for someone like the Young Miss who's not used to eating spicy food, it's definitely too much for her. "

" Hahaha Right. " Wei Ying said.


20 minutes have passed since Xie Lian stood infront of the door of the female's comfort room. She still heard small noises on the inside for the past few moments, but then now, it  became too quiet.

She frowned and turned herself towards the door and knocked again.

" Young miss? Are you feeling fine? We can head home if you're not feeling well anymore. "

No response.

Xie Lian's heart skipped a bit.

Knock knock knock knock

" Young miss? Young miss! Please say something. Anything at all! *knocks quite frantically* Young miss? " She said in between a calm and worried manner.

Xie Lian reached out for the door knob and turned it.

But of course it's locked! I have to ask for the key. She thought and walked away to get the key of the comfort room.


" I was really touched though. She finished the dish I cooked for her without complaining! Not even a sign of discomfort was seen in her face while she was eating it. *smiles* "

" *snorts* maybe she was just being polite since, you're watching her eat. "

" Shen Yuan! you really want to make an enemy of me! *Sighs* anyways! When I asked her why she didn't tell me anything afterwards, she just said that it's because I made it. Said she doesn't want to waste my efforts. " Wei Ying said with a fond smile on his lips as he remembered that moment. At that time it feels as though he fell in love with her even more. If that 's even possible.

" Lucky you for having her as a wife. "

" Yup! The most wonderful gift, God gave me! "

Shen Yuan looked at Wei Ying and she snorted.

" Sap. "

Wei Ying pouted but then his face turned mischievous and said, " You're just jealous! Poor Binghe! Having a tsundere wife must be hard for him!" *shooks his head in pretense disbelief*

Shen Yuan suddenly blushed and scoffed.

" What did you mean by that? "

" Oh oh, my poor shidi! Can't have some sweet times since his wife is so shy to act lovey dovey with him! " Wei Ying said as if he's performing in the  theater, his face turning  outside, through the transparent wall made of glass. His eyes is directed to a man leaning his back leisurely on a mitsubishi car's side part. He is wearing an aviator sunglass to protect his eyes from the glaring heat of the sun. He looked like a model looking so handsome with his hands tucked in the pocket of his jeans.

He is Luo Binghe. Shen Yuan's husband.

Shen Yuan also turned her head to follow Wei Ying's line of sight. She then saw her husband looking away from the cafe and towards his left.

Shen Yuan then turned to look at Wei Ying again, who is currently back to sipping his drink in the most feminine manner he can manage, as he is pretending to be a woman right now.

" I act intimate with him just fine! "

Wei Ying merely laughed at her outburst. And she scoffed again and took a sip of her drink.

The two of them, became silent for a moment just simply savoring their respective drinks. Taking in it's sweetness and it's creaminess. They looked like people living in luxury and without care in the world.

But then, in reality, Shen Yuan is actually battling within herself.

Am I really so shy? But I already gave  my virginity to my husband! Isn't that enough intimacy on my part? But then what if Wei Ying was right? I do sometimes focus on work rather than having alone time with Binghe. And when I did have time to be freed from work, I also don't know how to act around him sometimes that's why, I unconsciously push him away. Okay, maybe consciously... But! Arghh!!

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