Poetry Awards 2022 ~ First Entry

202 17 11

Topic: Something you love

Poem Name: A Three-Word Answer

Word Count: 252


Was there ever a time that you felt true confidence?

Have you ever walked with a feeling of strength?

Have you ever trotted with a feeling of power?

Have you ever cantered with a feeling of harmony?

Have you ever galloped with a feeling of freedom?

Was there ever a time that you felt you could do anything?

Did you ever believe that you could achieve anything at any length?

That you could push through every day, and every hour?

Did you ever believe that you would never need an armory?

That you would always have their back, and them yours, like home?

Was there ever a time that you felt that sense of unity?

Can you think of something anyone can do?

No matter who they are, no matter what they've done?

Can you think of something that brings humans and nature peacefully together?

Despite all of our separation, and all of our urbanization?

Was there ever a time that you felt that you could beat the world?

When do you feel that you're able to simply be you?

When do you feel that the two of you become one?

When do you feel that there is no end to your tether?

When do you feel that incredible sensation?

I can give you the answer to all of these questions in three simple words:

Astride a horse.

You can go anywhere.

You can do anything.

You can turn one from a pair.

You can be inspiring.

You can ride a horse.

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