Chapter 1 ~ The middle of the end

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Shawn's view

"It's day 3 of the same argument, Camila is mad because I won't cancel my show in London to be with her while she accepts an award for her new movie Cinderella. I can not keep doing this" He thinks to himself while his lungs fill with smoke from his blunt. It's a cold December morning as he sits out on the balcony of his Toronto apartment. Coffee in his cup and what if's in his head. Suddenly he's snapped out of his daze by his phone ringing. "Hello?" He answers "Shawn my man what's up bro you ready for New York tomorrow?"...It took a second for Shawn to realize it was his best friend Brian calling, he didn't bother to look at the caller ID before answering. "Yeah man I'm so fucking ready to get away." Shawn says in a single breath while letting out the pot smoke he'd been holding in. "I just don't know what to do about Camila, us being in a rough patch is an understatement, she has been making things miserable lately. If it isn't one thing it's another. I've been thinking a lot and I still don't know what to do about us man. I mean do I cancel the biggest show of my career to be there for her or miss it and have her hate me?" Shawn asks with the phone dangling from his ear.

"Look man let me stop you right there because I don't have thirty-seven hours to listen to your Shawmila drama. I just listened to you last night, let's just head to the city, get a room and get away for a while. I wish I had a better answer but this will be good for you guys since Camila's going to be in LA for a couple weeks maybe you'll be able to get some clear thinking in." Brain says. "You're right man, let's go I'll finish packing and then you can come over, I'm lit right now so I can't drive, you come to me aye?" Shawn comments "Yeah man that's got any left over, I'm all out?" Brian asks "Nah man I've been so stressed out with tour and Camila I've been smoking like a fucking chimney the past two weeks man, my bad." Shawn apologizes "Nah man don't worry it's all cool. I'll order us a pizza and we can watch Harry Potter, cool?" Brian offers "Cool" Shawn accepts. Half an hour later Shawn and Brian plop down on the couch and turn on Disney plus.

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