Chapter 12

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   I'm sitting in my room alone, with a phone in my hand. I've seen a lot of movies, so I know that you always get a phone call in situations like these. I called Dawson. 

   Caroline: Dawson! Hello?

   Dawson: We really shouldn't be speaking right now.

   Caroline: I know, but someone went into the Police department and told them that I was the one who planned this! You have to help me, you have to tell them what really happened-

   Dawson: Why? So I can share the same fate as you? 

   Caroline: I love you Dawson, you love me too-

   Dawson: I don't love you Caroline, it was all a lie. There was so much heat on our organization that we needed someone to take all the blame for it, so I found you. Someone with no life, nothing to lose. It was easy to convince you, too easy actually. But the tea did most of the convincing-

   Caroline: You drugged me?! What the fuck Dawson! What the hell is wrong with you!? I can't believe that you would do something like that, I trusted you, I loved you. You can't just tell me our love was all a lie!

   Dawson: Don't blame me, your the one who fell for this! But yes, none of our relationship was real. I'm actually happily married, she was perfectly fine with me fake dating someone temporarily. We used you Caroline, you're nothing, nothing!

   Caroline: I hope you rot in hell!

   He hung up on me. I can't believe it. He made me think he loved me. I'm gonna go to jail for someone that didn't even love me? All I could feel for the rest of the day was how stupid I was, I ruined my whole life for nothing. I ended up falling asleep, I wasn't sure how long I slept because there were no windows and no clocks in my room. I woke up to the sound of multiple Police officers entering my room. 

   Police officer: Caroline. You seem like you've recovered pretty well. So were gonna need you to sign some paper work so we can get you out of here and straight the prison.

   Caroline: And if I don't sign?

   Police Officer: Then we'll sign for you. Understood?

   I nodded at the Officer. I had no more freedom. I was going to Prison whether I wanted to or not. After I signed a bunch of papers I was escorted to a Police van. Once we were in there, I started asking questions.

   Caroline: How long am I gonna be in jail for? Where are we going? I know Prison or whatever, but what kind of Prison?

   They weren't answering me. I get that I'm a criminal or whatever, but you could at least help me out a bit you know? We were going somewhere, I was a bit scared, but I was ready. After an hour or so of driving we pulled into from what I can see is the courthouse. How long was I asleep man, how could this be set up so quickly?

   We were in a waiting room, the lawyer that I got assigned was telling me that my case my next. Everything was coming down to this person. She told me that I'm probably going to get the max sentence, seeing as I allegedly organized multiple robberies. I was scared, I didn't want to go to jail for something I didn't even do. All I did was hand someone a note, that's all. 

   I was up. I walked into the room and sat next to my lawyer. On the other side of me there was another table, I was assuming that these were the people that are trying to add more years to my sentence. After a long time of waiting, the judge finally came in, told us to stand, then sit. Then they called their first witness. Dawson. It was fucking Dawson. The person trying to add more years to my sentence was named Mr. Clark, what a dumb name. Dawson sat down at the stand, took the oath and then they started asking him questions.

   Mr. Clark: Hello Dawson. You know why you're here today, correct?

   Dawson: Yes sir, I know why I'm here.

   Mr. Clark: So, do you know who Ms. Mcaffnee is?

   Dawson: If by Mcaffnee you mean Caroline, then yes.

   Mr. Clark: How do you know this woman?

   Dawson: I met her at a Strip Club, where she was working. She took me in the back room, and drugged me, slept with me without my consent, and then kept me hostage in her home.

   Mr. Clark: So are you telling me that this woman right here Drugged, Kidnapped, and raped you?

   Dawson: Yes sir, that is what I'm saying.

   My Lawyer: Objection-

   Judge: Overruled!

   Mr. Clark: Dawson, sir. I'm am truly sorry that she did that to you, but I promise you that this evil woman will be brought to justice!

   I was done. I knew then that there was nothing I could say or do to convince these people I was innocent. So I just gave up. There were more witnesses after that. But I didn't even want to pay attention anymore. I was done. When it was time for them to call me up to the stand, I went, took the oath and sat down. 

   Mr. Clark: Did you Drug, Rape, and kidnap Dawson Ms. Mcaffnee?

   Caroline: No.

   Mr. Clark: May I remind you Caroline, that you are under oath?

   Caroline: I know I'm under oath, I'm telling you the truth.

   Mr. Clark: Did you organize multiple bank robberies?

   Caroline: No, I was hired to only do one, someone is framing me.

   Mr. Clark: Judge and Jury, this woman is definitely lying under oath, and if you can't see that, then I'm sorry. 

   I blacked out the rest of the questions he asked me. I was sick of this moment, sick of being blamed for something I didn't do. I couldn't stand to be here anymore. I couldn't stand to be anywhere. Once everyone was done asking questions, the Jury went somewhere to make a decision. I knew that they were going to say that I was guilty. But all that I wanted to know was, how many years. If they charge me for rape and kidnaping, along with multiple robberies, I might never get out. The Jury walked back into the room and into their seats. They made their decision.

   Judge: Caroline Mcaffnee, please stand. You are being charged with Rape, Kidnaping, and multiple robberies. You will be facing 35 years in the state-

   I couldn't hear anymore. I turned around the room to see who was watching. My parents. I didn't even know that they were there until now. My Mom was crying as the Judges words echoed through the room. They knew just as much as I did, that my life was over. I've never felt so mad at myself for making my Mom cry. This was the one time that I didn't want the attention of my parents. Right next to them were my siblings. They looked a bit sad to. I never really had relationships with any of them. But looking at them crying and staring back at me brought me to tears. I was crying so hard that I couldn't even breathe. Before I could turn back around, Police men grabbed me and starting pulling me into the room. I tried resisting, and I started screaming for my Mom. The tears grew stronger and so did my screams. But before I knew it, I was in the back room again. Away from my Mom. Just crying. I had nothing left. 

The End Of My Worldजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें