"Is she dead."
"Are you okay."
"What happened."
"Does she look dead to you Mason."

I sat down and put my head down blocking out everyone and about 5 minutes later it was time for lunch.

I got to the bottom of the stairs when the other three saw me they ran over to me asking if I was okay.

"I'm fine promise can we just go eat." I asked to which they nodded at.

We sat in the shade just in case it was the heat that was making me feel dizzy and sat down on the floor to eat.

"What do you three have fourth and fifth because I think all of year 10 have a double." Lily asked.

"Art." I said.
"Music." Savannah responded.
"Cooking." Owen said.
"I have DT graphics because why not." Lily said as she also answered her own question.

"What are we doing after school by the way because we each need to go home to grab our stuff. Do we just meet outside so we can walk up together?" Savannah asked.

"Yeah let's do that my dorm is just opposite the door to yours so it will be easier for us to go up together." Owen said.

You see the way our dorm room works is its not based on gender it's based on year group.

"OK. Well I've got to get back to Art for the rest of the day see ya." I said.

I walked into Art and took a seat at the back. When everyone in my class started entering I realised I had a few friends in my class but not many.

"Hey Scarlett you feeling better from earlier." Lynn asked as she came in and sat down next to me.

"I'm feeling much better thanks for asking. We think it was the heat that affected it." I replied.

"Well have you got any drama to tell me." Lynn asked getting excited.

"A fucking lot." I responded starting to tell her the whole thing with Gurdas along with the Savannah and Jamie break up.

She just sits there and listens intently as the teacher finishes explaining what we have to do for the project. Which yes I was listening to.

Basically Lynn knows everything that goes on in my friend group. My friends partially know but not fully. But Lynn is obsessed with drama. So much its starting to become unhealthy in a way.

"God your friend group has the best drama in the world. Its always so amusing." Lynn said as we finished picking our theme for the project and sending the pictures to Mrs Richardson so she can print them out.

"I guess that's one way to put it yeah." I responded as we all started to pack away a few minutes after getting our sketchbooks and print outs.

"I'll see you on tomorrow. Yeah." Lynn asked and I nodded and walked out the classroom to the Music classrooms knowing the other three will be there.

I see Lily and Owen stood outside of Savannah's classroom waiting for her to come out. I walked over to them and they smile at me. A few minutes later Savannah finally exits the classroom with a guitar in her hand.

"You think we can stop by the dorms real quick I don't feel like carrying my guitar to the bus, then home, just to bring it back and I thinks the same with Scarlett and her sketchbook anyways." Savannah said.

"Yeah sure and you are right I don't want to carry my sketchbook back and forth and I think my sisters already went to the car anyways so we should be good." I said.

"How is Kaylie doing by the way she didn't give me a hug this morning." Savannah said.

"She's good." I say as we reach our dorm and set our stuff inside.

"OK now let's go my parents are waiting for me." Owen says as we start walking outside to the school gates.

Lily starts walking home. Owen goes to his Dad's car and Savannah walks with me to the bus stop which is just around the corner to were my dad always parks. We say our goodbyes and I get into my dad's car. We get home and I start to finish up packing and grabbing stuff I need for school or stuff I specifically bought for my dorm. Which had taken about an hour and we started to head of to the school year again.

When we got to the school Kaylie saw her friends and ran over to them after grabbing her stuff while I saw Lily and Owen waiting for me and Savannah. I started walking over to them after I grabbed my stuff.

"Savannah not here yet." I asked as I looked at the other two.

"I texted her and she said she was walking up the path leading to the school now." Owen responded.

I look over and see Savannah is certainly walking up the path towards us.

"Sorry I took a little longer then I was expecting. The bus had a new driver driving the number 9 and so there was a coach there walking him through it along the way so he was driving like a snail." Savannah said as she reached us.

"Oh it's fine. Your here now which is the main thing." Lily said as we started walking to our dorm rooms.

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