Volume 10, Chapter 3 - "Critical Mission"

Start from the beginning

Ryan: "Bit like you after a curry, you mean?"

(Y/N): "No, not like me after a curry, Ryan. I mean enough nuclear weapons to destroy this planet twenty times over! The only way you'd ever survive one of those things is through some sort of fallout shelter and I highly doubt we're going to be able to get every innocent civilian in Remnant into one of them."

Cinder: "Oh, come on, Phantom. It can't be that bad."

(Y/N): "Oh, Cinder, you have no idea! Just feel lucky you're not on the side that doesn't have them."

Cinder: "Okay then, just out of curiosity, if one of these nuclear bombs was to drop here, how long would we have to stay inside one of those fallout shelters?"

(Y/N): "Well... it depends on the degree of the contamination in the air outside because we're in a very vulnerable position here being so close to the ocean. But, I would say roughly... give or take a week or two, about... two years."

Ryan: "Ah, that's not so ba-"

Ryan, Christine, Brady, Cinder, Mercury and Emerald: "TWO YEARS?!?!"

(Y/N): "Yeah. Give or take a week or two."

Cinder: "If you think I'm staying in a lead-lined sardine tin with you, Ryan, Christine, Brady, Mercury and Emerald and chemical toilet, you've got another thing coming!"

(Y/N): "Yeah, but if we leave the shelter within two years, we'll die of radiation poisoning."

Cinder: "And, if we stay in the shelter for two years, we'll die of goddamn lead poisoning! All in all, taking everything into consideration, I think I would rather be outside and go instantly with the bomb."

I decided that my Remnantian comrades needed their heads banging together so I pulled up Google and searched for the effects of a nuclear bomb.

(Y/N): "Oh, yeah? And what makes you so sure it'll be instant, Ash-Tray? Them bombs contain Strontium-Ninety, not Nescafe! You see, the bomb explodes about a mile above you, causing a radioactive rain to fall. Now this radiation then penetrates the pores of the skin causing violent sores and diseases."

Ryan: "Hm. Best not to wear anything decent then, eh? Ha-ha!"

(Y/N): "Will you be serious for one minute? Look, it's right here in black and white. Once the radiation is in the bloodstream, it begins to attack your metabolism. You'll subject to drastic biological changes - that's metamorphosis. Your shape and form will alter radically as the mutation takes effect, and Gods know what it might do to our Auras!"

Mercury: "Doesn't sound too good, Cinder. After all, you already struggle to get a suit on!"

As Mercury and Emerald began to laugh, Cinder growled and pointed her finger at Mercury's head. In the blink of an eye, his hair was set alight with flame!

Mercury: "AH!!! IT BURNS!!! IT BURNS!!!"

As Mercury ran around the room like a headless chicken, I grabbed a Coca-Cola bottle from my fridge and slammed it over his head! The glass bottle shattered and the cola inside put out the fire. However, it did result in me accidentally knocking him out. So, win-win.

(Y/N): "Either way, that will cause the deaths of millions of innocent people and that's something I just can't accept! Let's just say we can eliminate the nuclear option."

Christine: "Gods... could you imagine if Spectre had weapons like those?"

(Y/N): "Christine, please, I don't want to picture it..."

That night...

(No one's P.o.V)

Back at Evernight Castle, Afton had not returned from his journey into Atlas, he had gone missing. His Scroll was unresponsive and none of the Imperial legions had reported seeing him around the city of Atlas, or any of the others cities for that matter. The Sovereign Assembly soon took it upon themselves to search for their missing council member but their search led to no avail. It was as if he had vanished off the face of the planet. Spectre soon grew anxious for news about Afton and began pacing up and down his throne room. Then, Watts stepped in with a tablet in his hand.

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