Volume 9, Chapter 10 - "Battle of Amnesty"

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(Ryan Ravenwood's P.o.V)

I still could not get the fact that Kris was planning to leave Amnesty Academy just because of that damn letter out of my head! It was ridiculous! Surely, she did not mean it. I knew her family was built on honour and assuming that they had been brainwashed as well, their only daughter and heir to the Scarento name fighting on the side of the enemy would have been a severe blow to it, but still, I never imagined that Kris would allow herself to be forcefully dragged away from what she believed in. It was as if the whole code of honour was like a dagger stabbing her in the back. I could not stay silent, I had to say something. But when I got back to the staff accommodation in Amnesty Tower, I realised I was too late. Inside our team's room was a brown leather suitcase with all of Kris' belongings inside it. Kris was just standing there, packing her suitcase, a nonchalant expression on her face as if she was running on autopilot, not wanting to mentally be in the real world. I sighed and opened the door. Kris turned to face me.

Ryan: "Kris, we need to talk."

Christine: "... What is there to say? I've been asked to go back... and that's what I'm gonna do."

I then walked over to the bed and slammed her suitcase shut. We kept eye contact for a while before I invited her to sit down on the bed with me. She kept her hands in her lap, refusing to look at me. I could tell she was on the verge of tears. She did not want to do this at all. I gently put my arm around her and spoke.

Ryan: "Listen, Christine, you have come too far to just give up now. You have worked too hard and too long! You can't quit just because your parents with their old backwards beliefs told you to! You are not a little girl anymore, Christine, you are a grown woman! Also, you are a Huntress! You've devoted yourself to protecting those who can not protect themselves. And if you want to keep doing that, then you have to stay."

Christine: "Yes, but it's not as simple as that, Ryan! You don't understand! Family honour is more important to a Scarento than you can ever imagine! They are really angry with me. You don't know them like I do. If I stay here, they will come here to bring me back and then I'd have to duel them, and you know what means..."

Sighing in regret was all I could do at the sound of the word "duel". I remember the story Kris told me about her grandfather and his brother when we were in Sanctum. Apparently, her grandfather's brother had insulted the family's honour by cheating during the Vytal Festival and so her grandfather duelled him... to the death. He killed his own brother. That's how serious the matter of honour was to the Scarentos.

Christine: "I think I should just do what they want... and go back home."

Ryan: "And, forget about your teammates? Gods... g-girl, you act like they're the king and queen of the whole world!"

Christine: "Ryan, as hard as it is to believe, I don't have the advantages that you do! While you were out sailing boats and picking pockets, I was slaying Beowolves at the age of nine!"

Ryan: "Nine?!?! You were killing creatures of Grimm when you were nine years old?!"

Christine: "I started my training on my eighth birthday just like my father before me, and his father before him, and so on."

Ryan: "Nine..?"

Christine: "So, come on, Ravenwood. What should I do?"

I did not know what to say. I was too in shock at what Kris had told me to even consider what her options were. Fighting monsters at the age of nine! When I was nine, the only thing I was interested in doing was playing in the forest with my older brothers and sisters. I remember one time that my three-year older brother, Marty, was caught spinning around a small hole in the dirt, bent over. But he was my group's leader so we followed suit. Doing stupid things like that was all I was concerned about when I was nine years old. But, Christine's childhood was just... why would any family think having your child go through something like that at such a young age was okay?!

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