The one with Ronald's Rage

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SO, Mr. Weasley looked you in the eye and perhaps knew that he and you have never talked enough to have any secret detail that only you and he could have known. Then he asked Charlie- "was she with you all the time. Can you promise me you didn't lose her even for a minute?"

 Charlie glanced at you then back at his dad who kept looking strictly both of you in the eye pointing a wand at you. You were about to spill the beans when Charlie saw you in the eye and then back at his father-" Not even for a second, dad." And slowly looked down.

Again Mr. Weasley gave in his sweet look and said," then come back in kids, fast.''

When he went in and both of you were coming slowly and just when Charlie closed the door you gave him a stern look. And he annoyedly asked, "okay,  why does that look to me, now?"

"You shouldn't have lied what if there is some security breach and..."

 Before you could have yelled another one," Are you sure you are in Gryffindor. And if that is such a problem what is the one thing I told you before we went away today?"

You thought it was hard to remember and said," it mostly covered not to get killed anyhow. But that is an easy question anyone could have known that. You should have asked another one."

" Okay, let's make it one what is the one thing that Pixie told me at the night she had a weird dream."

" That I know it is hard to see your loved ones in pain but we are fighting to get rid of this pain and to get away from this suffering and terror we feel every day. "

Just as you said these words your eyes almost started to tear up and Charlie came close to you and put his hand on your cheeks cleaning your tears. 

"Don't worry Pixie it is going to be fine."

Just as it happened that you and Charlie were about to hug. You heard Ron come in the hallway and at the sight of you came hurrying toward you and pulled you in a big hug and almost lifted you. 

"Are you fine?"

" I was so worried why didn't you tell me you were going to Romania? And Charlie how could you have left her alone and three death eaters. "

Just as Mrs. Weasley had scolded Ron all those years back "You could have died. "In the same way, Weasley's manner Ron scolded you and Charlie," she could have died and I would have killed you, Charlie. You know the twins don't even let me be in a closed shop for a couple of minutes alone. Not that I need any of their protection but because you know what is it out there? And  I don't know if my friend doesn't mean that much to you but please they surely mean a hell lot to me."

  And before turning away he said, "Hermione and Harry are going to be here by evening. Better try and not get them killed or worse in the hands of wicked death eaters."

 After giving his sentimental and grammatically wrong monologue. Ron started to go upstairs and without even catching a glance at Charlie who was already feeling bad you hurried after Ron. And as you rush behind him you contemplate How did he get to know about that?

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