Shadows of our past

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You wake up with a loud thud as you fell into darkness, you saw fire all around you. By this time you found that you were not in the burrow but in the Ministry of Magic. You forgot why you were there.

But, you saw Hermione and Neville lying down on the ground. They seem to be injured and you deprived of all strength still ran to Hermoine. Took her head into your lap and started compelling her to wake up. Fear ran down shrills in your spine the fear that you might have lost your best friend. From the other end of the hall came what you assumed was a couple of death eaters. You started to scream at them and took a grip of your wand and before you could fire any spell; you felt as if someone came and pulled you away.

With a jerk, you woke up and saw Charlie. As soon as you realized you were dreaming. You buried your head in his T-shirt and he started to calm you down. He kept on saying -"everything is fine now, they are gone and you are at home." It was when you could see that Ginny was holding you from your shoulder and Ron was rubbing your hands. After all this time when you could actually take a breath of peace, all Ron could stutter was- "You know what, you are worse than Harry when it comes to nightmares. At least I am able to wake him up in 5-10 mins."

"What were you dreaming about?" said Ginny.

"I was in the Ministry of Magic and the memories from March came back. All about the duels and death eaters. Don't worry I am fine now, anyways what time is it?"

"It's 3 in the morning."

" Oh my gosh, I didn't mean to wake anyone up."

" First of all, that is not a problem, and second of all only we three(Ron, Ginny, and Charlie) are awake."

As you look upon the arms that were holding you- "Charlie, shouldn't you be at your night shift right now?"

"Nah, today...ah...tonight is a holiday, Romanian affairs."

As your eyes landed upon the tired faces of Ron and Ginny you subtly asked them to get back to sleep. And all you needed was some midnight strolling up and down the staircases. 

Ron said-"We really did have a bad influence on you and Hermione. The crazy book lady says she needs midnight strolling to get to sleep."

You thought that it was so Ron at his perks of keeping the mood light and breezy at times of despair. Or was he just so casual with his best friends' weird antics?

Anyways, you all bid goodnight as you came out of your room and saw Ron hopping into his bed, by the time Ginny was actually asleep and Charlie- who had remained unnoticeably silent the whole time was standing behind you.

You took small steps up the staircase and saw Charlie was sitting on the fifth stair from the top. You smiled at him and said with a bit of a nervous tone as always- I didn't mean to scare you but I am fine now, I suppose". To which he kindly replied- "Oh, no".

"You were shivering, screaming had weird frightening expressions, and almost used the killing curse. But nooo....noooo.... it was completely normal".  

"I am sorry to wake you up at this time."

"No, Y/n it is not about that. I just felt puzzled about what to do? You look so pale and I know, we all are fighting with these forces, Percy has joined the ministry and Bill is really struggling with those goblins and everything just  really ....' sighs'...nevermind"

"It is okay, Charlie just says it... It is not bad to open up."

"These are just .... you feel bad when bad things happen to your people. And what is the end?" He took a pause and then looked you into your eye." Are you really fine?"

With the look on his face, your heart just melted in your hands while you just slowly went and sat beside him on the fifth stair. You gently sat near him while your shoulders were almost brushing against each other. You both were not having any eye contact but looked in different random directions. 

You started saying "I know it is hard to see 'your people' in pain and trouble. But the reason to fight is to get rid of this pain and suffrage, isn't it?"

" That is true...' sighs'... Pix may I ask What did you see, you looked really pale and kinda afraid."

Your expressions became concerning when  you said - "I saw Hermione...' gulp' and Neiiville lying injured on the ground while a couple of death eaters were entering through another chamber. 'pause' Thank you for calming me  down."

"No, it is really brave of you to see your friends down and still manage to stand up to fight."

You saw a glance of in his eyes. When he saw you in the eyes and said "that was intense wasn't it."You smiled at him.

When you both looked around at the same time and you started to look up in order to know what is upstairs? Charlie answered your unasked question - "Upstairs is a very small open roof attic,  do you want to see? We can see the entire outskirts of Devon."


Both of you moved up the stairs and there you entered a very small attic through which went a very small staircase made of flattened logs. You and Charlie sat on the second and fourth stairs. You were able to see the entire sea of trees and beautiful sleeping fields. With this, the roof of twinkling stars made you forget all about your dream and actually everything. Mesmerized with this view if someone would even have asked your name, you would have gotten puzzled for a few moments. Neither of you uttered a word but sat in silence under the open roof.

( Hello everyone, thank you so much for reading this chapter. Please comment on what you like about the chapter, Your suggestions are very important to me. I will keep on updating. Thank you again, peace...:))

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